Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Outraged citizens hardly a ‘mob’


Once again John Gormley has got his knickers in a twist over a protest he knows little about because we doubt he was there.

We were.

There were hundreds of demonstrat­ors protesting the Sask. Party’s destructiv­e cuts to provincial services on the evening of the premier’s fundraisin­g dinner.

We were not a “mob.” No cars were turned over or burnt up, no tear gas sprayed, no sticks wielded on either side, no blood shed.

Just a large crowd of outraged citizens walking around carrying placards and shouting.

More than two hours after the protest began a few irate and tired people threw themselves on to the hoods of cars.

Who knows why this happened but anyone with half a brain can provide a rational guess or two.

Some people are losing their jobs. Some may be forced out of business if they live in small towns and depend on public freight rates to keep their retail stores and services provided with stock.

Some hearing impaired children are losing their publicly funded hearing aid program and will not be able to afford private care.

Some people, thank goodness, have a deep appreciati­on for schools and libraries. Many citizens are incensed about the decision to destroy STC, our provincial public transporta­tion service. The list goes on. Instead of offering our money to Calgary oil executives to move here, let’s reinvest our money in our own people.

Let’s build up our province, not tear it to pieces.

Larry Mullen and Anne Smart, Saskatoon

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