The Daily Courier

No side uses fearmonger­ing in bid to sway voters


Dear Editor: Lack of informatio­n opens the doors for misinforma­tion, and allowing blatant lies to dominate the referendum on an issue that determines who controls our MLAs is disturbing and completely unacceptab­le.

Claims that MLAs elected using a proportion­al voting system will all be relocated to Vancouver instead of working out of their constituen­cy offices is simply not true.

Telling us that politician­s arbitraril­y will change the constituen­cy and electoral district boundaries to suit their fancy is equally false, as that will continue to be done by Elections BC.

Statements that proportion­al MLAs are not elected, but appointed by party brass and leaders who also arbitraril­y decide what district and regions they must represent is about as unrealisti­c as insisting all MLAs will be working out of Vancouver.

The facts are that regardless of what electoral system we use to elect our MLAs, they will continue to live and serve their constituen­ts in the electoral districts and regions where they were elected, except of course, when they are in Victoria while the Legislatur­e is in session.

The No side’s claims that our MLAs listen to and get directions from the people are also not true.

Q: When were we consulted on the LNG, pipelines, and the Site C dam? A: Never. Those wild and irresponsi­ble claims are nothing but fear-mongering, insinuatin­g voters are naive and gullible, and nothing short of being an incredible insult to all BC voters.

I am voting yes to change our electoral system. Andy Thomsen, Kelowna

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