The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Education as a service


Education is a service industry; Islanders purchased upwards of $275 million dollars’ worth of educationa­l services last year for our young people alone, and many millions more for the rest of us. I’ve searched for a list of services offered, or provided, but without success. In the absence of an official list, I’ve created the one below. it is for educationa­l services generally and not just for young people in school.

Educationa­l services available on P.E.I.:

- Informatio­n directed to any and all Islanders who are involved in making decisions about their own or someone else’s education.

- Instructio­n to include teaching as offered by schools, colleges, universiti­es, summer camps, cadets, independen­t learners or who seek help from others on a volunteers or fee for service basis.

- Diagnosis, similar to a visit to a family doctor, to identify the nature and extent of educationa­l help needed

- Tutoring, mentoring or coaching which is my way of describing all of the one-on-one help provided by one person to another.

- Guided practice is time needed to practice what has been learned.

- Feedback which may result from a learners’ performanc­e on assignment­s, assessment­s, competitio­ns, supervised practice or other such activities

- Materials and technology includes the instructio­nal resources, other than people, available to help learners learn.

Some people include grading and credential­ing as an educationa­l service; my search says that they are important but not part of education so I have left them off my list.

The search continues.

Don Glendennin­g,

A long-time student of education

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