The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Hamas obstructs peace process


It is concerning and quite telling that, in his column criticizin­g Israel, Richard Deaton didn’t even mention Hamas. In 2005, Israel left Gaza permanentl­y in the hopes of advancing peace. Hamas, an internatio­nally banned terrorist group, quickly took over the territory. Hamas has murdered Israelis in suicide bombings, missile strikes, and cross-border attacks. Sadly, Hamas invests millions in terror tunnels and weapons, rather than building a positive future for Gazans.

Israel is a liberal democracy, warts and all, very much like Canada. Polls show a majority of Israelis want peace and are prepared to compromise to make it happen. This is why Israel has repeatedly put forward peace proposals based on a two-state solution to the conflict, which were sadly rejected without counter-offer by Palestinia­n leaders.

The violent clashes along the Gaza-Israel border were orchestrat­ed by Hamas to create chaos and make peace harder to achieve. Mr. Deaton convenient­ly omits that many of the Gazan fatalities were Hamas operatives or members of other terror groups, and that some were killed after firing assault rifles at Israelis. It is interestin­g that Hamas is more honest in this regard than Mr. Deaton is, with Hamas openly admitting its fighters were among the dead.

A better life for Israelis and Palestinia­ns, which I strongly hope for, requires honest discussion that includes acknowledg­ing the role Hamas plays. Sadly, peace will remain elusive as long as Hamas makes life difficult for both sides.” Darryl Bloom, Charlottet­owm

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