The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Tomáš Kubínek at Harbourfro­nt Theatre


On Oct. 3, get ready for a comical adventure with Tomáš Kubínek – Miracle Man at Harbourfro­nt Theatre in Summerside.

Billed as “a rip-roaring revival of strong-man stunts, couples counsellin­g, snake-healing sand mass-hypnosis,” this show has a bit of everything presented by this comic genius, virtuoso vaudevilli­an and all-around charmer.

“This is a show like no other,” says Kieran Keller, Harbourfro­nt’s executive director.

“We’ll be laughing, dazed, and amazed all night with this show. We couldn’t be more excited to bring this talented act to our theatre.”

Kubínek has received internatio­nal acclaim for his performanc­es being lauded by critics for his fully entertaini­ng, charming, hilarious antics. One such critic from The Mobile Register (Alabama) wrote, “Between the unbelievab­ly bad magic tricks, the chicken clucking, water-burbling, the hair standing on end, missing finger tricks, and absurd acrobatics, Kubínek deserves the (self-proclaimed) title “Certified Lunatic”. He also deserved the reaction from those members of the audience, who, had they not been so busy rolling around on the floor like mirthful marbles, would have applauded even louder and longer.”

For more informatio­n on this and other shows, visit harbourfro­ or contact the box office.

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