The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Legal cannabis is about politics, big business

- Thomas Walkom Thomas Walkom is a Toronto-based columnist covering politics. Follow him on Twitter: @tomwalkom

Cannabis became legal in Canada on Wednesday. Here are five things to keep in mind.

First, at one level this was a non-event. For the average Canadian, legalizing marijuana and its derivative­s is somewhat more momentous than legalizing broccoli.

But not that much more. As anyone who lives near a high school can attest, the sweet smell of marijuana has long been in the air. True, until Wednesday it emained technicall­y illegal to buy pot. But, as has been the case for years, users are rarely charged.

Under the old regime, those who sell cannabis illegally tend to face harsher penalties. That won’t change. What will change is that the number of legal dealers is set to grow exponentia­lly.

Second, and in spite of what government­s say, legalizati­on isn’t about protecting kids and fighting organized crime. It’s about fulfilling a Liberal campaign promise designed to portray Justin Trudeau as a bold, new leader.

Like Trudeau’s promise to run fiscal deficits, it was a politicall­y risky pledge. But it succeeded, particular­ly among younger voters.

Now that he delivered, the Trudeau Liberals are insisting their real motive is to protect children from the evils of pot. But if that were the case, the government wouldn’t be making cannabis easier to obtain. It would be making it more difficult.

Third, it’s still a good idea to legalize marijuana. I don’t want to rehash (sorry) the arguments. But those who say marijuana is no worse than alcohol are almost certainly correct.

Reefers aren’t harmless. There is some evidence that cannabis hinders brain function. And it can’t be good for the lungs to inhale smoke from anything, including marijuana.

But taken in excess, gin can be harmful too. Yet, we don’t ban martinis.

Fourth, legalizati­on is about big business. Or, to be more accurate, it’s about shifting cannabis production and distributi­on from illegal big businesses to legal ones.

As the tobacco and alcohol industries have shown, mood-altering substances can be immensely profitable. They are cheap to produce (it’s easy to make wine in your basement), yet face what economists call an inelastic demand curve.

Simply put, that means people will continue to buy these moodalteri­ng substances even as their cost rises.

Fifth, the Americans. Although cannabis is legal in some states, the U.S. federal government still bans its sale and use. This has caused problems for Uruguay, which last year became the first country in the world to legalize marijuana.

Unfortunat­ely for the pharmacies licensed to sell cannabis in that country, banks will have nothing to do with them. The reason: Washington has threatened to penalize any Uruguayan bank that takes part in the cannabis trade.

So far, the big Canadian banks have not been deterred from financing the soon-to-be-legal cannabis market here.

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