The Hamilton Spectator

Mike Holmes had it right on home-buying


RE: House prices in the GTHA

When the government puts forth legislatio­n regarding the expensive real estate market, it should consider regulating rules for selling a house. Agents are using used car sales tactics not seen since the 1970s. Helping amateur home flippers sell off substandar­d renovation­s. They make claims of how profession­al the upgrades are, when it is simply lipstick on a pig.

They price homes below market value to spike interest and create bidding wars. During this, conditions like home inspection­s are waved. It should be mandatory to have inspection­s done either before or after the sale. I’ll bet a lot of these proud homeowners are in for a rude awakening in a few years.

Another fallacy is location, location, location. Be honest, you take pride in your home and surroundin­gs and price your home based on its condition. Does that mean the neglected homes in your neighbourh­ood should be as valued? According to real estate rules a Pinto on a Porsche lot has the same value. Mike Holmes said it best about buying homes. You get a guarantee when you buy a toaster, but no protection when you make the most important purchase of your life. Let’s change this and other rules that apply to real estate. Jeff Campbell, Hamilton

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