The Hamilton Spectator



Read the list of words, then look at the puzzle. The words are in all directions — vertically, horizontal­ly, diagonally, backwards. Circle each word found and strike it off the list. Letters are often used more then once. When you find all the words in the clues, you will have a number of letters left over that spell the Wonderword. Please note: American spelling occurs in Wonderword

Almonds Baby Barbecue Beverages Breakfast Brownie Calcium Cane Cappuccino Cheddar Chips Chocolate Cinnamon Clusters Coconut Cookies Cracker Cranberrie­s Crunch Eggs Elderberry Fans Fiber Fitness Flavor Fruit Glycerin Grains Greens Honey Hunger Latte Milk Minerals Mint Morning Muffins Multigrain Niacinamid­e Nourish Nutrients Original Own It Pastry Peanut Butter Peanuts Pecan Popcorn Protein Raisins Raspberrie­s Red Berries Rice Rich Salt Sandwich Satisfy Sausage Savory Sesame Sports Strawberri­es Triticale Vanilla Vitamins Wheat Yogurt

 ??  ??

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