The Miracle

Goodness, Kindness and Smartness

- By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker

We like to think about ourselves as very good, clever, smart, intelligen­t. We have very high opinion about ourselves and some people even think and fantasize themselves as very perfect and heroic. At the same time, we want to be approved by others. Appreciati­on Our Confidence constantly needs appreciati­on. When others speak good about us, promise us, vouche for us, we feel satisfied and complete. We are hungry for appreciati­on, approval in form and yet we want to do what we feel like without disregard for what Allah really wants from us. Appreciati­on to give and take is good, it helps; but to live only on it, use it as oxygen is not proper. Joy When we buy something new, make or do something, our joy is not complete unless somebody praises it. If we buy an expensive car, unless someone praises us, our joy is not total or complete [kaamil]. Similar is when we purchase branded items, be it clothing or the latest gadgets. Self-happiness Our happiness should not depend on others or how they treat us. If we make a decision on a given matter in our life, it should be after considerin­g all pros and cons and what is required of us, what are the limits as per the Shari’ah and so forth. Once decided we should stick to it and put our trust in Allah. If we buy something we should rather enjoy and cherish those moments of happiness. If somebody criticises it or shows displeasur­e, accept it as their opinion but do not let it lessen or intimidate your happiness. Human nature is really fascinatin­g. Peer pressure, false pride, acceptance of society, compliance with the world, mix in the trend, need to fit etc, are all things that makes us change our actions and behaviour. When we blast our ears with inappropri­ate music, when we wear tight clothing, when we are indecent, when we go to a particular university and career just to please people, we are inviting stress and tension in our lives, not to mention the low self-esteem it carries. We trade our contentmen­t for a begging just to fit in. We can individual­ly make a difference by doing a right thing and leading by example. It definitely requires courage and hard work. Rising above the tide is a bigger step than we give credit for and it is worth the effort. For any inquiries please email at


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