The Miracle

2 153rd Canada day celebrates in different way


On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 this year we celebrated anada’s rd birthday in very different and virtual way

COn this Day the true north remains just as strong but might not feel quite as free with Canada Day celebratio­ns being a little quieter and physically distant as people keep their guard up against COVID-19. From coast to coast the usual festivitie­s, parades and fireworks that accompany Canada Day have been cancelled in many communitie­s this year because of COVID-19, but Canadians are still finding ways to mark the country’s birthday. There were plenty of opportunit­ies to show off our national pride throughout the country on Canada Day.

As expected, Canadians are going to mark the anniversar­y with more excitement.

‘Canada Day’ being a federal statutory holiday, is celebrated throughout Canada with full fervour in recognitio­n of the

“July 1, 1867 enactment” of the British North Americas Act (BNA), also called “The Constituti­on Act, 1867.”

Historical­ly speaking, the Canadian founders of confederat­ion were the representa­tives of the British North America colonies who attended the three major conference­s on Canadian confederat­ion.

Sir -ohn A Macdonald became the first Prime Minister of Canada on that day. Not only was he the IaWher oI conIederaW­ion but he also drafted two-thirds of the provisions of the BNA creating the ‘Dominion of Canada.’

As a result, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain.The four provinces were created from the former British colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario.

Currently, Canada consists of ten provinces and three territorie­s. This Canadian national holiday was enacted in 1879 under the name DoPinion Da In fact, the formation of the union of provinces under a new country is the basis of Canada’s July 1 celebratio­n each year. However, the ‘Dominion Day’ changed into ‘Canada Day’ on October 27, 1982.

The official lyrics O Canada were finalized in 1968 by a special joint committee of the Senate and House of Commons.

This day also marks the anniversar­y of the officially proclaimed “O Canada” as national anthem. The Royal anthem plays ‘God Save The Queen’ at some festive locations ce le bra tingg Canada Day.y

The celebratio­ns will be all over Canada. Similarly, Surrey, BC has its own celebratio­n features that include the world-class entertainm­ent, great food, games and amusement rides, and indeed a spectacula­r fireworks finale. But this year due to keep social distance limited gathering at public places or homes has been continued and made fun till late night.

Indeed, the event serves as a good bridge to facilitate Muslims to build ties with Canadians of other faiths.

Despite the insurmount­able difficulty, a tolerance level among the members of multi-cultural society is a real blessing, as it has been playing a big role in promoting diversity in schools, work places, businesses and academic institutio­ns. Of course, the credit goes to millions of motivated immigrants who kept building this nation to make Canada an attractive country to live peacefully. Every year, tens of thousands of Canadians celebrate Canada Day in grand style in the nation’s capital flocking to Parliament Hill to join with the Governor General, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, but this year everone missed at Parliament

Hill, even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent his time at outdoor with his family. Of course, the Canadians are entitled to celebrate their legacy, pride and opportunit­ies.

,n nuWshell

Certainly, Canada Day unites all Canadians regardless of creed, culture or ethnicity; it helps us understand the significan­ce of the Canadian life. In other words, it brings us together, strengthen­s our communitie­s, and helps us understand the significan­ce of the Canadian life.

As Canadian history reflects the wonderful diverse cultural races, the importance of celebratin­g Canada Day means a lot to all Canadians.

For happy “Canada Day” celebratio­ns, Canadians and the government must be on one page, and the media should play its role without bias to promote love and affection among all.

As the Liberal party of Canada is surviving to resume power, the respect and image of Canada among the internatio­nal countries is finally normalisin­g faster than previously thought. Credit goes to the Trudeau-government for being really pro-people without bias/discrimina­tion.

/ongg /iYe Canada

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