The Niagara Falls Review

Anger in college neighbourh­ood


I have made numerous phone calls, sent numerous emails, with photos, concerning problem properties in our area of Welland near Niagara College.

Sadly, none have been addressed. I have been complainin­g for months and years and so have neighbours.

We have been in our home 46 years. Our neighbourh­ood is lovely. But we do have eyesores and blatant messes. We pay high taxes. For what? Eyesores? Niagara College may be a high-end taxpayer but what about us? Sure, the college has been a great addition. We have watched it from its inception. We have been very involved. When we call the college, they get right to it. But, enforcing city bylaws they cannot do.

Will there be public, all-candidates meetings for the municipal election where issues can be discussed and questions asked?

I am tired of these issues being ignored in the college neighbourh­ood. One success we have had: parking. Took a while, but finally resolved. Am I angry? Yes!

Terry Ivan


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