The Province




1 Bond servant of yore 5 Reckless 9 Like leisure suits 14 Superb server 15 Artificial spread for bread 16 Shock, in a way 17 Proceed according to one’s experience 20 Brew in some barrels 21 Syria’s largest city, once 22 It comes to mind in a flash 23 Common career fringe benefit 25 Trucker’s haul 27 American Revolution foes 29 Wounder of clumsy cobblers 32 BBs and slugs, e.g. 35 Have some vittles 36 Stick around awhile 38 Accuses 42 Mass of fallen rock 43 A pitcher likes a low one 44 Run off 45 ___ out a victory 46 Study cubicles 50 Via, archaicall­y 51 Disorder 55 Move in the wind 58 Made to order 60 Rock you have a reason to dig 61 Moves stealthily 64 Japanese-Canadian immigrant 65 Editor’s removal mark 66 Arctic ox 67 Spooky apparition 68 Old British firearm 69 ‘68s “Planet of the ___”


1 Multigener­ational tales 2 Uncooked meat hazard 3 Old pear-shaped fiddle 4 Cook eggs, maybe 5 Cheese-filled pieces of meat 6 Prowling urban feline 7 Dribble out 8 Sensationa­lism 9 Affectiona­te gesture 10 Sap-sucking pest 11 PEI export 12 Unchanged 13 Napoleon slept here 18 Canola’s old name 19 Twelve inches 24 Norwegian coin 26 ___ Spumante sparkling wine 28 “... rose by any ___ name...” 29 2012’s Best Picture Oscar winner 30 Noted 17th cent. London architect 31 Apollo played it 32 End of a basilica 33 Poke fun at 34 Gooey, mucky ground 37 Extreme unease 39 Computer support pro 40 Able to be upright 41 Come undone, like a robe 47 Bowed, on a viola 48 Ring periods 49 Piece of coal 50 Little squirts 52 Compute the sum 53 Irregularl­y notched 54 Smells horrible 55 Gulp from a stein 56 Get clean 57 “And before I forget...” 59 Something that cancels the dele 62 “Don’t just stand there!” 63 50’s singer Sumac of Peru

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Solution to Previous puzzle
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