The Province

BRIDGE with Bob Jones


The auction was a bit labored, but North-South reached a reasonable slam. With normal splits in the red suits, the contract would have needed no more than the ace of clubs onside, or a club lead.

An opening spade or diamond lead would have defeated the contract, as South would surely have used his one dummy entry to lead a club toward his king of clubs. That would have worked, but the terrible split in trumps would have wrecked him.

West cannot be faulted for his club lead, but that lead gave declarer a very good chance to make his slam. What will East play after winning his ace of clubs at trick one?

A club or a diamond allows South to win and cash the ace of hearts. He will see West show out, cross to dummy with the ace of spades, and lead a heart back to his nine, making his slam. East had been listening carefully to the auction and knew South had five diamonds, therefore at most one spade. East could see the danger and found the brilliant shift to the nine of spades! South had to use his dummy entry before he knew about the bad trump split. South did smell a rat, but who among us would have the nerve to play a heart to the nine? This South didn’t and he finished down one. Great play by East!

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