The Telegram (St. John's)

The physicalit­y of garden work ... think leaf-raking

- - News Canada 7550210

Using the right moves can go a long way to enabling you to plant and rake without the ache. Positionin­g your body correctly reduces the strain on muscles and joints. So use these tips to enjoy the gardening season from beginning to end.

• Alternate your tasks. Switch between heavy chores such as digging and lighter, less physically demanding tasks such as planting.

• Do the ‘scissors’ when you rake. Stand with one leg forward and one leg back when you rake. Switch legs and hands every few minutes.

• Kneel to plant and weed. Constant bending can put strain on your back, neck and leg muscles and joints, so kneeling is recommende­d. Use kneepads or a kneeling mat (with handles) to minimize the amount of bending required, and to make kneeling more comfortabl­e. Keep your back straight.

• Change positions frequently. Make a point of changing position every 10 to 15 minutes. Move from kneeling to standing, from planting to digging.

• Pace Yourself. A minimum of three brief breaks each hour is recommende­d. Take a few moments to move around, stretch your muscles, have a drink or simply sit and relax. Spread the work over several days - you will still achieve the same great results.

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