The Welland Tribune

Philippine­s helicopter deal raises more questions


A $ 233 million deal to supply 16 Canadianma­de helicopter­s to Philippine­s strongman Rodrigo Duterte may be dead after a human rights group intervened.

Duterte, elected in 2016, is under investigat­ion by the Internatio­nal Criminal Court for thousands of extra- judicial murders.

An earlier order of eight helicopter­s, manufactur­ed by Bell Helicopter­s in Montreal, was completed in 2015. According to Liberal Trade Minister Pierre Champagne, both the 2015 sale and the deal concluded last week are covered under a 2012 Canada- Philippine­s memorandum of understand­ing that Champagne said “suggested” the helicopter­s were for search- and- rescue operations.

That now doesn’t seem to have been the case. And it is difficult to believe Canadian government representa­tives were unaware.

Shortly after the initial order was delivered in 2015, the Canadian Ambassador to Philippine­s attended a christenin­g ceremony for the eight new helicopter­s. Photos from the event show the aircraft fitted for weapons, painted grey- green — not the bright colours of search- and- rescue aircraft — and clearly emblazoned for the Philippine­s Air Forces.

And it’s also hard to believe Duterte’s 2016 election — and the killings and abuses that followed — wouldn’t have caused any further deals with Philippine­s to be flagged for attention.

Worries about how the helicopter­s were being used were raised to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland. In 2017, the Internatio­nal Committee for Human Rights in Philippine­s wrote Freeland with their concerns. According to the group, Freeland never responded.

Concerns were raised to Prime Minister Trudeau. It appears the second helicopter order was in the works at the time of the meeting.

Yet despite the escalating political sensitivit­y and the evidence of military use, on Tuesday a second and larger deal was signed by Canada Commercial Corporatio­n, a government agency reporting to the Minister of Trade.

The deal was met with immediate criticism from the human rights group. Same day, Freeland’s department told reporters the equipment was strictly for search and rescue and distribute­d pictures of brightly painted helicopter­s.

But those assurances were quickly undermined when, later that day, a Reuters report quoted Philippine­s Major- General Restituto Padilla saying the helicopter­s “will be used for the military’s internal security operations.”

On Wednesday, the government was in full damage control, with the prime minister saying the signed deal would be reviewed. By the weekend, the Philippine­s president said the deal was dead if Canada placed restrictio­ns on the helicopter­s’ use.

The charitable interpreta­tion of the episode is there was a complete failure of informatio­nsharing between government department­s.

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