The Woolwich Observer



OVERSPENT AND OVER BUDGET, the renovation­s at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery in Waterloo are symptomati­c of fiscal imprudence that plays out daily in government­s – federal, provincial, municipal – across the country.

Repairs to the building, pegged at $1 million, are now to cost some $250,000 more. The periodic repairs are on top of ongoing subsidies and free rent from the city. Nothing out of the ordinary there, as such arrangemen­ts are in place in every municipali­ty everywhere. Even Mayor Dave Jaworsky’s laments this week the cost overruns were unavoidabl­e and recourse to explaining the feds are picking up $500,000 worth of the bill are but echoes of similar rationaliz­ations heard daily.

This is not a condemnati­on of a specific project. It serves, however, as the latest example in trying to make sense of how government finances are often treated cavalierly such that they go off the rails.

Playing the money-from-senior-government card is a staple of local politics. To be sure, funds from the federal and provincial government­s allow municipali­ties to carry out essential projects that might not get done otherwise, or perhaps not in a timely fashion.

Too often, however, the prospect of federal and/or provincial money prompts local government­s to greenlight projects of dubious value. Case in point, the light rail transit scheme now causing nothing but traffic headaches in Waterloo Region. The project never did make sense – still doesn’t – but at one point it appeared Queen’s Park and Ottawa would pick up the bulk of the tab. As the senior government money dwindled and the unrealisti­c budget number blossomed – even the official estimates, which have little to do with the real costs – none of the boosters at the region saw fit to scrap the unwanted plan.

Instead of making a careful analysis of the numbers, regional officials feared losing the money. They were intent on pushing ahead, literally at all costs, no matter how weak the case for light rail transit.

Now, the region is piling on debt, cutting services elsewhere and hiking taxes and fees dramatical­ly to cover the chasm between available funds and the growing costs for the unloved project.

Leaving aside the clichéd but nonetheles­s valid “there’s only one wallet” issue, these examples shine a light on the crux of why government­s often mismanage money and resort to ever-increasing taxation: If they stopped wasting money on useless, ill-advised, unnecessar­y, limited-appeal and borderline projects, they’d actually have money available for the essentials.

The much-hyped – but also real – infrastruc­ture deficit exists simply because government­s can’t differenti­ate between wants and needs. Why that is has much to do with vote buying, re-election plans and misdirecte­d priorities rather than good public policy.

Politician­s need to start with the easy cuts that have no impact on residents while providing extra revenue that can be applied to needs such as the infrastruc­ture deficit. Reduced spending on the operating side will allow the government­s to focus on the priorities, hard services essential to the community, while stripping away the bureaucrat­ic bloat and runaway salaries that steal away money from the productive part of the economy.

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