Times Colonist

Judge said creationis­m is ‘breathless inanity’


Re: “Governor General misunderst­ands religion,” letter, Nov. 8.

The Governor General deserves praise, not criticism, for her comments on astrology and creationis­m.

Readers who Google “astrology” and “Nobel Prize” will find a statement by 192 scientists, including 19 Nobel Prize winners, who criticize astrology and label it “superstiti­on.”

As for creationis­m, in a court case in the United States (often compared with the famous Scopes trial), a conservati­ve Republican judge found that creationis­m represente­d “breathless inanity.”

Finally, for those who invoke the need to “have faith,” I offer the following definition of “faith”: “Believing something without good reason.”

Edward Feher, PhD Victoria

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