Times Colonist

Patients’ wishes outweigh those of staff


Re: “Jewish care home accuses doctor of ‘sneaking in and killing someone,’ ” Jan. 7. I was saddened and disgusted to read that a care home was using its religious dogma to try to prevent the residents from exercising their right to die with dignity. I watched my father die a slow death, and I was very thankful for the shot that put him out of his misery.

Thank you, Dr. Ellen Wiebe, for caring for your patients when the care home would not. To insist that an ill, elderly person must move to another facility to have their wishes respected is ludicrous. The excuses used by the home are laughable at best.

I don’t think their staff’s feelings are the issue here. The issue was a patient who was ready to die on his own terms. As a non-believer, I am adamant that under no circumstan­ces should someone’s religious beliefs overrule my rights.

The Louis Brier Nursing Home in Vancouver should be ashamed of themselves for the unnecessar­y suffering they were willing to put this person through because of their misguided religious beliefs.

Lynne Williams Ladysmith

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