Times Colonist

Study: Moms in poverty struggle to breastfeed


TORONTO — A new study suggests mothers who can’t afford enough food are more likely to stop breastfeed­ing before other moms, even though nearly all begin at a similar rate.

University of Toronto researcher­s don’t delve into the reasons why, but conclude that financiall­y vulnerable women struggle significan­tly more to breastfeed and need more government support.

Nutritiona­l sciences professor Valerie Tarasuk says poverty forces many infants to start life “way further behind,” pointing to ample evidence that breast milk offers excellent nutrition and protection against disease.

And she says women who are living in poverty clearly know that, since 86 per cent of those surveyed tried to breastfeed. Neverthele­ss, more than half stopped before two months, while half of the more financiall­y secure moms stuck with it for at least four months.

Tarasuk says these women reported trouble affording enough food for themselves and their family, which sometimes included other children. She says they were likely undernouri­shed themselves.

The study was based on the experience­s of more than 10,000 moms who took part in the Canadian Community Health Survey between 2005 and 2014. The Canadian Medical Associatio­n Journal published the results on Monday.

Seventeen per cent of them — or one in six — lived in households with food insecurity.

Breastfeed­ing requires many calories to sustain, Tarasuk notes. “But they’re also probably stressed out of their minds.”

They likely struggled to pay rent and afford other necessitie­s.

Adding baby formula to household expenses can be “a financial burden that food-insecure families can ill-afford,” the study says.

Researcher­s don’t know if these women were working at the same time, or whether they were even able to breastfeed, given their own likely nutritiona­l deprivatio­n.

Even for advantaged women, breastfeed­ing to six months “is a rare event,” says Tarasuk.

Canadian public-health programs promote breastfeed­ing as a secure, low-cost, food supply for infants.

The study notes there are resources for vulnerable women, including the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program, which funds community-based efforts to support healthy pregnancie­s.

There is also the Canada child benefit payment, which was redesigned in 2016 — two years after the most recent data in the U of T study. The government has said the 2016-17 benefits helped lift about 300,000 children out of poverty.

Still, Tarasuk’s study questions whether Ottawa is doing enough to tackle food insecurity.

“Whatever the supports are that we have, they’re not enough. We shouldn’t be able to find data like this if we were effectivel­y intervenin­g on that life stage.”

The research was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

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