Toronto Star

Don’t trivialize a teacher’s challenges


Re Why elementary teachers continue to fight,

Opinion Oct. 5 As a proud Ontario high school teacher, I took great offence at Sachin Maharaj’s discussion of the elementary teachers’ situation. Teaching at the elementary and high school levels are different, but both still face similar challenges.

I also teach students how to become lifelong learners, social skills, becoming active and purposeful citizens, and must regularly assist students with numerous emotional and mental health issues.

I also communicat­e with parents, colleagues, administra­tors, plan events and trips, and partake in extracurri­culars — most often on my own time.

And yes, high school teachers focus on only one subject, but are expected to teach it in great depth; whereas at the elementary level it is broad subjects at a basic level.

All teachers, regardless of level or area, play an integral role in student education, developmen­t and life outcomes. To suggest one group of teachers plays a more important role in this process than another is naive and divisive.

All teachers work hard for the benefit of Ontario’s students; one should not trivialize the work of another. Robert Howatson, Glencairn, Ont.

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