Toronto Star

Politico honours the Star’s Daniel Dale for his factchecki­ng of Donald Trump,


The Toronto Star’s Washington correspond­ent Daniel Dale has been named in Politico’s list of breakout media stars of 2016.

“It’s cool to even have your existence acknowledg­ed by Americans when you’re a Canadian correspond­ent in Washington,” Dale said.

“There are so many good reporters. It’s good to know I was noticed even a little bit.”

Dale, who Politico, a politics website, dubbed “the Trump lie-tracker,” has become known for his daily fact checks of Donald Trump’s comments.

Dale said he decided to start factchecki­ng Trump on a mid-September day when the Republican presidenti­al candidate was “hyper-outrageous and hyper-dishonest.”

Dale noticed that many of the inaccurate things Trump was saying weren’t making their way into news coverage and was “being treated as a sideshow.”

Dale started to track these statements.

“I think it’s important, because I think his dishonesty is a central fact about his campaign. It’s not secondary,” Dale said.

“It is critically important that people understand that this is not normal and people understand that much of what he’s saying isn’t true.”

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