Toronto Star

Mute button is wearing out


Our national pastime, hockey, its players and fans, are being hijacked more frequently by certain game announcers, and especially colour commentato­rs, who endlessly second guess and over analyze every moment of the game. How many times have you watched a game where the play is totally disregarde­d because these guys are chatting? My mute button is wearing out!

It is disrespect­ful to hockey players and their fans to have a broadcast become a nauseating theatre of who can talk the most. Rogers ignores my inquiries. Perhaps more fans could speak up. Wayne McGrath, Port Elgin During this disappoint­ing year of watching the Blue Jays, one thing became more and more apparent as time wore on. Colour commentato­r Pat Tabler just won’t shut up. He talks endlessly — and mostly about nothing other than providing lame excuses for the constant failure of these multimilli­on-dollar athletes. Is he getting paid by the word, or what? Toward the end I was hitting the mute button every time he talked.

He should take his cue from the recently retired broadcast giant Vin Scully who responded to the famous 1988 Kirk Gibson home run with a minute of silence. Chris James, Ajax

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