Toronto Star

Dinosaur skull is first from B.C.

Huge tyrannosau­r roamed the area 75M years ago


TUMBLER RIDGE, B.C.— A piece of dinosaur skull unearthed in northeaste­rn British Columbia earlier this month is the first of its kind discovered in the province, an expert says.

The fossilized tyrannosau­r skull was found near Tumbler Ridge, in an area that has produced hundreds of dinosaur teeth, bones and footprints since 2001, but until this month had never yielded a skull.

Richard McCrea, director of the Peace Region Palaeaonto­logy Research Centre, said the discovery means B.C. now has “some bones in the game” when it comes to researchin­g the types, age and geographic range of dinosaurs — informatio­n that until now mostly originates from Alberta.

“We’re in a frontier in British Columbia because there’s been no research in this area,” he said. “This is quite a jump for us.”

Vancouver Island resident Rick Lambert spotted the skull while hiking through the area about 600 kilometres west of Edmonton.

The 100-kilogram fossil — including the surroundin­g rock — features a boomerang-shaped bone from the upper jaw between the eye and nose of the dinosaur, with teeth projecting down.

Tyrannosau­r is a grouping of dinosaurs whose fossils date back about 75 million years.

 ?? RICHARD MCCREA/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? The fossil features a boomerangs­haped bone from the upper jaw.
RICHARD MCCREA/THE CANADIAN PRESS The fossil features a boomerangs­haped bone from the upper jaw.

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