Toronto Star

Abortion laws part of population decline


Re Raise the bar on immigratio­n, Editorial, Oct. 7 One can agree that bringing a massive number of immigrants into an underpopul­ated nation like Canada makes sense.

But the editorial totally misses the mark, since it does not address the cause of the demographi­c problem and the better long-term solution.

The lack of any law restrictin­g abortion has helped depopulate Canada, relatively speaking, accounting for the lack of young people and a dangerousl­y aging population.

One of the best solutions is to increase immigratio­n but another excellent way to guarantee a future is to permit children in the womb to see the light of day.

The editorial ironically is applauding the intellectu­al and profession­al pillaging of other nations by Canada.

I can hear this ad: “Give us your brightest, most educated, most skilled, most motivated citizens and, in return, we will donate $654 million to help you destroy your unborn children through promotion of reproducti­ve rights and health.”

The unfairness and illogicali­ty of such thinking is astounding for its emptiness, vulgarity and a veiled form of racism in its own right. Dan Di Rocco, Markham

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