Toronto Star

Toronto parks to reflect Indigenous history


Toronto is looking to incorporat­e Indigenous placemakin­g in parks and public places.

A proposal recently tabled before the city’s Aboriginal Affairs Committee details current efforts to showcase Indigenous culture and history in Toronto’s green spaces.

“Toronto’s parks and public realm are our common grounds,” said Jane Arbour, the city’s senior communicat­ions co-ordinator, in an email. “For these spaces to truly bring us together, they need to reflect all of us and they need to reflect the city’s commitment to reconcilia­tion.”

The proposal is based on consultati­ons with Indigenous communitie­s regarding how to better reflect their traditions. That includes designated spaces for sacred fires, Indigenous ceremonies and Indigenous art as well as ensuring access to rivers and water courses, Arbour said.

There are also plans to name new parks or rename existing ones in honour of outstandin­g Indigenous figures.

For example, a 0.65-hectare public park proposed at a new developmen­t near Yonge and Wellesley will be named the Dr. Lillian McGregor Park. The name was chosen after a public survey last year. McGregor, who came from the Whitefish River First Nation, was the first Indige- nous woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Toronto. Her work as a nurse and community leader was vital in promoting Indigenous culture in the city.

Another proposal is to change the name of the Lower Don Parklands (also called the Don River Valley Park or the Superpark) to The Wonscotona­ch Parklands. Wonscotona­ch is an Anishinaab­e name meaning “black burnt grounds” or “area previously swept by fire” and is what The Mississaug­as of the New Credit First Nations people originally called the park in Toronto’s east end. The park is now home to a number of sculptures by artist Duane Linklater.

“By bringing Indigenous culture and tradition into the design and stewardshi­p of our parks and public spaces, we aim to ensure that our First Nations, Métis and Inuit communitie­s can see themselves and their traditions reflected in the city around them,” Arbour added.

 ??  ?? One of the sculptures by artist Duane Linklater that make up an exhibit along the Don River.
One of the sculptures by artist Duane Linklater that make up an exhibit along the Don River.

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