Toronto Star

We shouldn’t punish police for attempting to save lives

- ADRIAN WOOLLEY Adrian Woolley is the president of the Peel Regional Police Associatio­n.

As president of the Peel Regional Police Associatio­n, I am deeply disappoint­ed in the two Special Investigat­ions Unit investigat­ions into deaths where police have administer­ed naloxone to individual­s experienci­ng an overdose that have occurred in our region over the past month.

Peel Regional police officers were equipped with naloxone kits in June 2017 for use in situations where an individual is experienci­ng a potentiall­y life-threatenin­g overdose. The kits have been used by Peel Regional police officers 21 times since they were deployed across the service, and 19 of those 21 times they were successful in reversing the overdose effects. The only two occurrence­s where they failed have since been the subject of SIU investigat­ions.

This happened at a time when Canada is experienci­ng an opioid crisis, and the number of instanc- es of police being called to attend to overdoses is steadily increasing. According to recent data released by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), in 2016 there were 2,946 deaths across the country believed to stem from opioids, and at least 2,923 from January to September 2017. The vast majority of them were accidental. PHAC estimates that the total number of deaths in 2017 will have been in excess of 4,000.

If police are being equipped with naloxone, they should never need to second-guess whether administer­ing this life-saving drug could result in them being charged with a crime.

Let me be clear: the Peel Regional Police Associatio­n strongly believes in the necessity and accountabi­lity of police oversight. However, oversight isn’t the issue at hand. It is important to note that these two individual­s suffering from overdoses were not in custody or under arrest. Police were called to attend.

Once it was determined that a life-threatenin­g overdose had occurred, an attempt was made to save the lives of these individual­s by administer­ing naloxone. Police are often called upon to administer emergency first aid. Administer­ing naloxone is the same as a performing CPR or using a defibrilla­tor if the situation requires such actions.

We are pleased that the first SIU investigat­ion into police-administer­ed naloxone was recently terminated. But we need to consider the ramificati­ons of it being opened in the first place.

When the SIU opens these investigat­ions, it costs Ontario taxpayers a significan­t amount of money. There are generally four to five full-time investigat­ors assigned to the case, officers have to hold scenes for much longer than usual in order for the SIU to attend and evaluate, and the officers involved need to obtain legal representa­tion. The primary officers are also subjected to undue stress during the investigat­ions.

In British Columbia, the Independen­t Investigat­ions Office enacted a policy nearly two years ago that eliminates the requiremen­t for police officers to contact the IIO if they unsuccessf­ully attempted to save someone’s life by administer­ing naloxone or performing CPR, unless force was used or the individual was in handcuffs before the onset of medical distress.

The Peel Regional Police Associatio­n is calling on the SIU to develop a policy similar to that of the IIO.

Police officers across Ontario need to be reassured that they can act quickly to save lives in unpredicta­ble situations and won’t be subjected to costly and stressful investigat­ions as a result.

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