Vision (Canada)



Re: article titled Stop lights planned for Wendover, published in the July 5 edition of Vision.

I read this article with interest – thank you - muting from this area to downtown Ottawa for over 30 years and the whole situation gets worse every year! The fact that we have a two-lane highway all the way into Ottawa, in spite of continued new developmen­ts, and in spite of the volume of traffic is problem

I was shocked when the speed limit on a busy highway was dropped to 70 km per hour. This is a highway - it is not a ‘residentia­l put up a stop light is even more ridiculous! I expect that the people crying about there being too much traffic are the people who the highway at their leisure. There are few entrancewa­ys/driveways in the stretch in question and reducing the speed limit and adding a stop light simply creates more frustratio­n, more stops and more occasions for accidents. A smooth flow of traffic is much more effective!

Complainin­g about fog at the intersec everywhere and drivers are more cautious around intersecti­ons. Give us some credit!

My thought is that this is just one more UCPR council is listening to a handful of residents, while the remainder of us are completely ignored. The UCPR is cliquish! It caters to the families that have lived here forever and discrimina­tes against others.

The Council of the UCPR need to wake up, look around them and realize that times are changing! People are busy, people are taxes and we all get a vote!

To the editor:

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