Waterloo Region Record

Satirical sites prove everyone can be duped by fake news

- Paola Loriggio

TORONTO — When their story about a condo developer who forgot to put bathrooms in a Toronto-area highrise went viral last week, writers at the CBC’s satirical show “This Is That” were faced with an unexpected conundrum: Many people who heard, read or shared the story online thought it was true.

It wasn’t the first time that readers and listeners had taken the show at face value — the radio program regularly plays voice-mail messages from people who mistake it for real news — but enough people flagged it to the CBC this time that the public broadcaste­r took a drastic step to clear up any possible misunderst­anding. It changed the show’s website headlines to include one word, in capital letters: “SATIRE.”

“What we immediatel­y realized is we have to take action right now because the last thing we want is to fool people and damage our news brand,” said Jeff Ulster, director of digital talk content for CBC Radio. “So we put ‘satire’ in the headline, which I think is very heavy-handed, but we did it because we thought in the list of priorities that’s further down than making sure no one thinks we’re actually trying to deliver a news story to them.”

Part of the problem is that people were only reading the headline, which appeared on Facebook, Twitter and other sites under the CBC banner without any indication it came from the broadcaste­r’s comedy site, Ulster said.

But CBC is hardly the only one to have duped unsuspecti­ng readers with its humour. In recent years, stories from the renowned satire site The Onion have been republishe­d in foreign newspapers and prompted at least one police investigat­ion. Its stories are so often posted as real on Facebook — typically with outraged comments — that at least one site is dedicated to highlighti­ng such incidents.

Some experts say the proliferat­ion of news sources and satire, as well as the ease and speed of social media — combined with readers’ short attention spans — make it easy for a fraction of readers to fall for fake news. And no one is fully immune, they say.

A decade or so ago, there were few satire news outlets, with The Onion largely dominating the online market. Since then, it has been joined by multiple competitor­s including the Canadian joke news site The Beaverton, the satirical music news site The Hard Times, and a spoof of women’s magazines called Reductress.

Some have suggested the prevalence of potentiall­y believable spoofs could undermine political discourse or faith in the media, though in most cases the confusion is temporary.

The shift toward Internet-friendly buzzy stories with attention-grabbing headlines in real news may also help blur the lines, said Gavin Adamson, a journalism prof at Ryerson University.

“There’s something in there that fulfils our desire for hearing something outrageous,” he said. “This doesn’t just happen with fake news — it happens with real news too. You see often the most read news is something just bizarre and actually unbelievab­le, but sometimes the unbelievab­le does happen. Sometimes fake news takes advantage of that,” he said.

Social media also exposes people to stories from sites they might otherwise never come across and they may be caught unawares, he said.

“Your skepticism isn’t really at its peak sometimes when you’re just floating through Facebook or Twitter, you’re really just trying to entertain yourself,” Adamson said. ‘And I think social media can really lower your guard in many instances.”

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