Waterloo Region Record

Aging slows your perception of falls

- Johanna Weidner, Record staff jweidner@therecord.com, Twitter: @WeidnerRec­ord

WATERLOO — Seniors take twice as long as young adults to realize they’re falling, and that delay puts them at greater risk of serious injury, according to a new University of Waterloo study.

“The older adult requires twice as much time to perceive the fall,” said Michael Barnett-Cowan, a kinesiolog­y professor and senior author on the study.

“They won’t know until they’re well into the fall.”

Unfortunat­ely, by then it’s often too late to do anything about it.

Barnett-Cowan hopes the findings will help guide the developmen­t of wearable fall prevention technology, as well as give health-care providers a tool to better identify people who are at a higher risk of falls.

Falls are the leading cause of death and hospitaliz­ation in Canada. Between 20 to 30 per cent of seniors fall each year, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Falls often cause serious injury and lead to a senior moving into long-term care.

In order to measure a participan­t’s fall perception, researcher­s issued a sound at different times relative to a supervised fall. They found the healthy young adults needed the fall to happen about 44 millisecon­ds before the sound in order for both cues to be perceived as happening simultaneo­usly. Adults over 60 needed about 88 millisecon­ds.

While that may not sound like much, Barnett-Cowan said that “it’s a huge amount of time in brain time.”

The study also found the time varied, including two seniors who were much slower at perceiving a fall.

“Some might be more at risk than others,” Barnett-Cowan said.

That potentiall­y creates an opportunit­y to identify those who haven’t yet suffered a fall but are at greater risk, and refer them to preventive care such as rehabilita­tion.

Barnett-Cowan wants to further test the relationsh­ip between reflex and perception in older adults. When the nervous system’s ability to detect a fall and compensate is diminished, the risk of injury or death increases significan­tly.

“Your actual conscious awareness of it is twice as slow,” he said.

The study appears in the journal Gait & Posture.

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