


Write down everyone’s name on a sheet of paper and post it somewhere everyone can see. Every time someone reduces plastic use, they get a sticker or check mark next to their name. At the end of the week, count how many actions you each completed to see what kind of difference your family made.

Here are some examples:

• Bring reusable bags when you go shopping.

• Use a compost bin after family meals rather than throwing all the compostabl­e items in the garbage.

• The next time you get take-out food, ask if your family can supply their own containers.

• Write a letter to a company that uses too much plastic.

• Switch to plant-based dog poop bags — even your pets can help at home!

• Pack school lunches using only reusable containers.

• Find out what doesn’t get recycled in your community, and then help start a recycling program.

• Don’t use plastic utensils or throwaway plates at your next party.

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