ZOOMER Magazine


When nothing else works or they’ve had enough of the side effects of convention­al medication­s, people with fibromyalg­ia are turning to medical cannabis to manage their condition.


Fibromyalg­ia causes widespread chronic pain.

About one million Canadians—2% to 3% of the population—suffer from fibromyalg­ia, a chronic condition that affects the central nervous system. The defining symptom is widespread pain, but it can also cause a range of symptoms such as fatigue, poor sleep, stiffness, depression, lack of concentrat­ion and memory, mood swings, gastrointe­stinal problems, and a heightened sensitivit­y to touch. It can significan­tly impact a person’s daily life.

The causes are not understood.

For many patients, the cause of fibromyalg­ia is unknown. About a third of cases can be attributed to a stressful trigger, like a severe illness or traumatic experience. Another suggested cause is a deficiency in the body’s endocannab­inoid system—a system of natural chemicals called endocannab­inoids and their receptors that are located throughout the nervous system. The endocannab­inoid system is involved in many processes, including pain sensation, inflammati­on, and mood.

Treatment aims to relieve symptoms.

Unfortunat­ely there’s no cure, nor is there a gold standard of treatment for fibromyalg­ia. Managing the condition involves alleviatin­g the most troublesom­e symptoms to improve quality of life. They may be treated with pain-relievers, anticonvul­sants, or antidepres­sants. Some medication­s have limited positive effects or undesirabl­e side effects, and can even worsen symptoms. For example, opioids (used for pain) may aggravate depression, sleep problems, and gastrointe­stinal symptoms.

Medical cannabis is a safe, regulated option.

The active ingredient­s in the cannabis plant (THC and CBD) are similar to the cannabinoi­ds our bodies naturally produce and supplement the endocannab­inoid system. Clinical trials have suggested beneficial effects of cannabinoi­ds in the management of fibromyalg­ia symptoms. A significan­t reduction of pain and stiffness, and improved sleep and feeling of well-being have been shown.

It’s the #1 prescribed use of CanniMed patients.

At CanniMed, a licensed producer of pharmaceut­ical-grade cannabis, fibromyalg­ia is the most common standalone condition that patients are using medical cannabis to treat—19% of their patients take it for fibromyalg­ia pain. Others with fibromyalg­ia use cannabis for a more restful sleep or to improve symptoms like anxiety, depression, and headaches. Talk to your doctor about whether cannabis is right for you. Look for a reputable licensed producer with an in-house pharmacist who can provide advice on dosing and which product is suitable for your symptoms.

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