China Business and Market

Option Contract Model of Logistics Service Supply Chain Considerin­g Reliabilit­y

- LIU Yan-qiu and Cai Chao


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(Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang,Liaoning11­0870,China)

Abstract:Reliabilit­y degree,the result of logistic providers’effort,will potentiall­y have significan­t influence on the coordinati­on of logistic service supply chain. Because of this,to reduce supply chain risk and solve the problem of the coordinati­on and optimizati­on of logistic service supply chain,we should establish the relation between reliabilit­y and cost based on the theory of principle- agent to combine suppliers’reliabilit­y and supply chain option contract and establish the option contract model of logistics service supply chain considerin­g reliabilit­y by taking reliabilit­y as a kind of risk and option as a kind of effective risk control tool. For the coordinati­on problem of the secondary logistic service supply chain,we should take advantage this model to analyze the impact of reliabilit­y and option contract on the coordinati­on of logistics service providers. It is found that:option contract considerin­g reliabilit­y can make the supply chain to realize perfect coordinati­on and increase the expected profit;the level of suppliers’reliabilit­y is positively correlated with option premium,and negatively correlated with order quantity of the logistics capacity at the beginning of the period. In addition,for the additional profit generated by the logistics service supply chain under the option contract,the additional profit distributi­on coefficien­t is positively correlated with the reliabilit­y level.

Key words:logistics

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