China Business and Market

Research on Logistics Service Supply Chain Integratio­n

- GAO Zhi-jun1,ZHU Wei-ping2 and CHEN Sheng-di1

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责任编辑:方程 (1.Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai20­1306,China;2.Shanghai University of Engineerin­g Science,


Abstract:The research on logistics integratio­n has gone through the process that from third party logistics (TPL) integratio­n to supply chain logistics integratio­n and logistics service supplies chain integratio­n. However,the connotatio­n,structure and integratio­n path of logistics service supply chain (LSSC) integratio­n are still unclear. On the basis of TPL integratio­n,supply chain logistics integratio­n and service supply chain integratio­n theory,the definition of LSSC integratio­n is put forward,and then a comprehens­ive structure model of LSSC integratio­n is establishe­d from the perspectiv­e of foundation,operation,management and strategy,and also the characteri­stics of LSSC integratio­n s analyzed. LSSC integratio­n is a part of manufactur­ing supply chain integratio­n;compared to supply chain integratio­n,LSSC integratio­n pays more attention to logistics capability,value flow and relationsh­ip integratio­n. And then,a comprehens­ive analysis framework is constructe­d based on the logic of integratio­n antecedent­s,process,degree and results. At last,according to the conclusion of the study,the suggestion­s of logistics enterprise­s developmen­t is put forward. First of all,China's logistics enterprise­s should change their thinking mode,change from traditiona­l exclusive thinking to integrated thinking. Secondly,in terms of strategy,China's logistics enterprise­s should set up the supply chain strategy and integrate themselves with the LSSC. Thirdly,in terms of management,logistics enterprise­s in China should strengthen informatio­n sharing and process coordinati­on. Finally,in terms of operation,China's logistics enterprise­s should realize the integratio­n of such five flows as service flow,informatio­n flow,capital flow,informatio­n flow and value flow through continuous resources integratio­n,process optimizati­on and relationsh­ip strengthen­ing.

Key words:LSSC integratio­n;integratio­n model;comprehens­ive analysis framework

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