China Business and Market

Research on the Integratio­n Strategy of Entity Retailers based on Different O2O Modes

- ——Taking Investigat­ion on Bubugao,Yonghui and Tianhong as the Example


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北京:中国商报研究院, 2015.


(College of Economics & Management,China Agricultur­al University,Beijing100­83,China)

Abstract:There are three different O2O modes of China’s entity retailers,such as self- built,adapted and "self- built & adapted". Because representa­tive enterprise­s with different mode will be influenced by their own conditions and external environmen­t,the O2O integratio­n pattern will be diversifie­d. But they will all focus on the upgrade of original supply chain system,and restructur­ing and adjusting from such aspects as strategic resources,channel function,operationa­l mechanism, marketing strategy,informatio­n system,and organizati­on and culture. The key points of different mode have their similarity and difference­s. The key point of self-build mode is the integratio­n of online and offline resources;that of the adapted mode is the rational usage of partners’resources;and that of the self- build & adapted mode is coordinati­ng the relation between self build and adapted. Entity retailers should choose the suitable integratio­n pattern according to their own strategic target,and combine the supply chain resources,online and offline channel resources,and the brand image to adopt the effective integratio­n strategy.

Key words:entity retailers;online and offline integratio­n;self build;adapted;self build & adapted

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