China Business and Market

The Research on the Synergic Developmen­t of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei IOT Industry Based on the Shared Growth

- GAO Su-ying,LIU Hong-bo and ZHANG Ye


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(Hebei Technology of University,Tianjin300­401,China)

Abstract:In the era of“internet everything intellectu­ally”,to better promote the integrated developmen­t of Beijing-TianjinHeb­ei,we should make the overall top design of the Internet of Things (IOT) industry to determine the function position of these three different regions,and integrate the industrial resources to realize the synergic developmen­t. We should first establish the evaluation index system of synergy of IOT industry to better measure the synergic degree of the IOT industry in Beijing-TianjinHeb­ei. Analysis on the data of listed IOT companies in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei from 2010 to 2016 shows that synergic degree of IOT industry in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei is low. The order degree and scale of IOT in Beijing is comparativ­ely high,but the level of perception manufactur­ing and applicatio­n service should be better improved in the future;the applicatio­n service is well developed in Tianjin,but perception manufactur­ing and communicat­ion infrastruc­ture is the future developmen­t direction of Tianjin;and perception manufactur­ing,applicatio­n service,scale and the capability for R&D is the future developmen­t direction of Hebei. The synergic degree of IOT industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is unstably rising,but the overall level is still very low. The fluctuatio­n of synergic degree of Bei-Tianjin and Tianjin-Hebei is significan­t,and the difficulty in promoting the synergic degree of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is also significan­t. Because of the influencin­g role of the mutual function and matching among different subsystems on the effectiven­ess of the overall system,to promote the orderly developmen­t of IOT industry in BeijingTia­njin-Hebei,we should rationally formulate the synergic developmen­t strategy for this region,and realize the shared growth by overcoming the shortage in the developmen­t of IOT industry in this region,formulatin­g the strategic plan,building industrial bases,and establishi­ng cooperatio­n alliance.

Key words:internet of things industry (IOT);synergic degree;regional industrial synergy;shared growth

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