China Daily (Hong Kong)



The color of the year is green, according to global color authority Pantone. Although the specific hue is pea shade, green in general is already featuring in fashion weeks and street snaps. Many luxury brands have recently released their green handbags, and you have probably seen some on the streets. art of Tibetan Buddhist painting. It shows dozens of paintings created by establishe­d artists and emerging thangka painters in recent years, and features meticulous delimitati­ons of lines and thick, balanced shading of colors. The displayed works show the technical inheritanc­e of major thangka schools, and exhibit an infusion of modern painting styles. The exhibition continues through Jan 18. Meeting Affective Disorder refers to a form of boredom that occurs in relation to mandatory meetings, most commonly those centered around a presentati­on. Symptoms include difficulty staying awake and daydreamin­g.

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Meeting Affective

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