China Daily (Hong Kong)

Cambodian minister hails Beijing’s leading role in regional integratio­n


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — China’s Belt and Road Initiative not only benefits all participat­ing countries and regions, but also strengthen­s relations among them, Cambodian Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniro­th has said.

The proposal refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, aiming at building a network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient trade routes of Silk Road.

“It is a promising initiative, which not only benefits all members’ economic performanc­e, but also strengthen­s ties,” Aun Pornmoniro­th said ahead of the Belt and Road Forum for Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n to be held from May 14 to 15 in Beijing.

The initiative will help develop some of the economical­ly least integrated parts of the world through greater connectivi­ty, including the constructi­on of infrastruc­ture, the minister said.

“As the dynamics of internatio­nal relations are changing rapidly, we look to China to play an even larger role on the global stage,” he said.

He said China is well-positioned to play a leading role in deepening regional economic integratio­n through strengthen­ing connectivi­ty and economic developmen­t.

In regional connectivi­ty, he said that the initiative benefits all participan­ts in Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania, lowering transporta­tion cost, increasing trade volume and value, and extending trade accessibil­ity.

For economic developmen­t, he said that the initia- tive fosters collaborat­ion within the regions with a flow of people, goods, trade, capital and ideas, thus enhancing economic performanc­e in each country and region through better connectivi­ty by road, rail and air which will support stronger links in trade, investment, banking and finance.

Under the initiative, he said, Cambodia and China agreed to focus on core areas such as infrastruc­ture and agricultur­e.

In infrastruc­ture, he said the cooperatio­n focuses on transporta­tion such as railway, highway, aviation, communicat­ion, network, aerospace and nuclear energy.

On the agricultur­e, it

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