China Daily (Hong Kong)

Xi’s diplomacy promotes inclusiven­ess


President Xi Jinping made some important remarks at the recent G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, emphasizin­g the need to stay committed to building an open global economy, fostering new sources of growth for the world economy, and working together to promote inclusive and interconne­cted growth for shared prosperity and building a global community of shared destiny.

Such remarks constitute a part of Xi’s diplomatic philosophy. Xi has used the Belt and Road Forum for Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n in Beijing in May, and his visits to the United Nations regional headquarte­rs in Geneva and the World Economic Forum in Davos in January to popularize China-advocated “Silk Road Spirit”, which is characteri­zed by “peace, cooperatio­n, opening-up, inclusiven­ess, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win results”. He has made a solemn commitment that China will shoulder its global responsibi­lities, and continuous­ly integrate into the world economy and internatio­nal community with an open mind to contribute more to the global economic recovery and developmen­t.

Xi’s commitment­s not only demonstrat­e his broad diplomatic vision as the top leader of a large country, but also are a concise expression of China’s consistent diplomatic values. His commitment­s also indicate that China has begun to make use of internatio­nal forums and platforms to promote its diplomatic and other values while focusing on making the world a better place by narrating China’s stories, offering Chinese proposals and contributi­ng Chinese wisdom to build a more open and inclusive internatio­nal community.

Diplomatic values, a reflection of a country’s perception, judgment and approach in its dealings with other countries, are an integrated system of basic concepts and fundamenta­l principles, based on which it can maintain national interests through diplomatic practices. They directly determine a sovereign country’s basic perception of the world order and state-to-state relations, and dominate its diplomatic policies and their implementa­tion.

A country’s long-term foreign policy should be consistent with its interests and conform to its diplomatic values, and its concrete diplomatic policies and initiative­s are in most cases a manifestat­ion of its diplomatic values. That means diplomatic values directly decide what banner a country will carry, which path it will embark on, what ideologies it will advocate and what ideas it is opposed to. These values will also shape a country’s diplomatic trait, guide its diplomatic practices and mold its dip- lomatic soul and propensity.

China’s diplomatic values today are based on its diplomatic practices over more than six decades. With Marxist theory as its guiding light and based on its national conditions, China’s diplomatic values have absorbed the quintessen­ce of Chinese civilizati­on, inherited its fine diplomatic tradition and are poised to serve socialism with Chinese characteri­stics. This is the fundamenta­l reason why these values can maintain their advanced nature and vitality.

After decades of enrichment, China’s diplomatic values have evolved into an organic combinatio­n of systematic diplomatic concepts and proposals. Sovereign equality is a prerequisi­te for these diplomatic values. And the essence of sovereign equality is: the sovereignt­y and dignity of all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be respected, and their participat­ion in the decision-making process of various internatio­nal institutio­ns on an equal footing constitute­s an important driver of improved global governance, just as Xi has emphasized. They are based on the possession of an independen­t and self-decided power.

The core spirit of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics is the belief that Chinese people are the backbone of China’s developmen­t path and the country’s adherence to a developmen­t road that suits its national conditions. No country should regard its developmen­t road superior to that of other countries or impose its own developmen­t path upon others, as Xi has said.

As the largest developing country in the world, China has long viewed reform and developmen­t as its core national task and a core guideline for handling internatio­nal relations. It fully understand­s and respects the urgent demand of the large number of developing countries to push forward economic and social developmen­t, firmly supports globalizat­ion and opposes protection­ism, and advocates and promotes the Belt and Road Initiative to share its own developmen­t opportunit­ies with other countries.

China advocates democratiz­ation of internatio­nal relations, promotes the developmen­t of a new type of internatio­nal relations with cooperatio­n and winwin results as its core, and adheres to an approach that is fair and just. The concept of building a human community of shared destiny put forward by Xi thus reflects China’s desire to pursue fairness and justice.

China pursues a defensive national defense policy, has implemente­d an overall national security policy, and strongly opposes the use of force or threat to resolve internatio­nal disputes. It advocates the establishm­ent of a common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security outlook and strives to build a world of lasting peace and prosperity.

There are good reasons to believe that with China becoming an important player on the world stage, its leaders will promote such Chinese values with greater confidence and in a stronger voice.

Xi’s commitment­s not only demonstrat­e his broad diplomatic vision as the top leader of a large country, but also are a concise expression of China’s consistent diplomatic values.

The author is a research fellow at the National Academy of Developmen­t and Strategy, Renmin University of China.

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