China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Personal values cannot be placed beyond the law


A VIDEO clip showing a policeman in Changsha, Hunan province, beating a dog to death went viral online. The local police said they received reports about the dog attacking people so they had to take action. People’s Daily comments:

All the evidence shows the police did the right thing to protect people’s lives and safety. The local regulation­s on pets state that when a chained dog is suspected of being dangerous, the owner is obliged to kill it and the police should help.

Yet some self-proclaimed “animal rights protectors” alleged the policeman “tortured the dog for hours”, labeling him as “cruel” and “violent”. Someone even posted the personal informatio­n of the policeman online, asking people to make complaints against him.

The person who revealed the policeman’s personal informatio­n has now been detained. However, the incident raises the question: How to express our opinions in the digital age?

People have the right to love animals and they can express that; however, not at the expense of the rights of others. In this case, the police said they received reports that the dog had attacked a passer-by already, and it posed a risk to public safety. Under such circumstan­ces, the police should act swiftly to protect the people.

Besides, personal opinions should be expressed within legal boundaries. When the person put the personal informatio­n of the policeman online and called for complaints to be made against him, this violated the rights of the policeman.

We live in a society that is increasing­ly more tolerant and pluralisti­c. However, that tolerance and pluralism should not be exaggerate­d so as to put personal values beyond the law. The law should be the ultimate bottom line for our behavior and everybody must act according to it.

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