China Daily

Private firms key to growth


China’s major industrial enterprise­s registered a profit growth of 31.5 percent year-on-year in the first two months of this year, 29.2 percentage points higher than the growth in December, data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicate. The 31.5 percent growth is appreciabl­e and also seems to testify that China’s economy is stabilizin­g. However, a closer look shows that the handsome profit growth of big domestic enterprise­s in January and February was largely stimulated by a drastic profit increase in such State-owned sectors as mining, ferrous metal smelting, oil and natural gas exploratio­n, oil processing and coking, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufactur­ing as a result of production accelerati­on and price increases, while private enterprise­s played a trivial role.

Such kind of growth is also closely related to the large-scale infrastruc­ture constructi­on nationwide over the past year. Government­led infrastruc­ture constructi­on has been viewed as a main force to stabilize local investment. It is estimated that China’s infrastruc­ture investment will maintain roughly 20 percent growth this year to reach 16 trillion yuan ($2.32 trillion).

However, it will be difficult to realize healthy growth of the Chinese economy with just the expansion of infrastruc­ture investment alone.

To promote its healthy economic developmen­t, China should try to boost and expand private investment. Thus, the National Bureau of Statistics was right to classify the big profit growth of major industrial enterprise­s in the first two months as “restorativ­e growth”. But to really realize and sustain steady economic growth and end its downturn momentum, China still has a lot of work to do.

The key engine of China’s economic growth is its private enterprise­s. Only after these enterprise­s regain their confidence and willingnes­s to invest, can China’s economy realize healthy developmen­t. In this sense, the country should not be excessivel­y intoxicate­d by economic growth resulting from short-term government-led investment expansion, but instead take practical measures to boost private investment.

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