China Daily

China-Europe ties set to blossom in Sofia

- The author is a Beijing-based expert on internatio­nal relations.

The seventh Leaders’ Meeting between China and Central and Eastern European Countries is set to open on Saturday in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, which is known as the land of roses. This will soon be followed by the 20th China-European Union Summit in Beijing. These summits are important barometers of relations between China and Europe, two major players in internatio­nal relations.

Launched in 2012, “16+1 cooperatio­n” (16 CEE countries plus China) has seen notable growth in two-way trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges. Thanks to strong economic complement­arity, enthusiast­ic participat­ion by the CEE countries, and particular­ly the solid momentum created by the Belt and Road Initiative, the 16+1 cooperatio­n mechanism is now well on its way to becoming a platform for wider Europe to participat­e in and benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative.

Following the principles of equal consultati­on and shared benefits, China has signed Belt and Road cooperatio­n agreements with all the 16 CEE countries. The two sides have initiated major connectivi­ty projects such as Budapest-Belgrade Railways, China-Europe Land Sea Express Line and the Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea Port Area cooperatio­n, and establishe­d the China-CEEC Investment Cooperatio­n Fund and 16+1 Inter-Bank Associatio­n.

Many in Europe understand the importance of developing the vast CEE region. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, for example, spoke positively about the role of 16+1 cooperatio­n during a recent visit to Beijing.

Yet there are worries and complaints in Europe about 16+1 cooperatio­n undercutti­ng “EU competence” or even “splitting Europe”. Such a perspectiv­e reflects either an outdated sphere-of-influence mentality or a zerosum worry that resources for China-Europe cooperatio­n are being diverted to CEE countries, both of which speak more of the anxiety and lack of confidence on the part of some in Europe.

The 16+1 trade volume is only about one-tenth of China-EU trade, so its potential to affect China-EU relations is at best limited. Conversely, as 16+1 cooperatio­n becomes stronger, it will only contribute more to balanced developmen­t of Europe and to European integratio­n.

China and the CEE countries are committed to business-led and market-based cooperatio­n, which is open and transparen­t. All 16+1 high-level meetings have explicitly pledged support for “the road of integratio­n chosen by EU members” and the two sides made sure to invite EU representa­tives to various activities and follow EU rules in project design and developmen­t. Besides, China has all along expressed interest in explor- ing third-party cooperatio­n with developed economies in Central and Eastern Europe.

China’s commitment to a united, stable and prosperous Europe has remained unchanged. As China sees it, the common interests between China and the EU have increased, so has the need for cooperatio­n on both sides. China and the EU are both advocates of globalizat­ion and multipolar­ity and supporters of the multilater­al global trading system centered on the World Trade Organizati­on, which is particular­ly important as both sides face mounting pressure from protection­ist and unilateral actions.

The two sides can use their summit to send a powerful message of supporting the rules-based multilater­al economic and trade order, and rejecting protection­ism and unilateral­ism. They can make further progress in pursuing a bilateral investment agreement and developing greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the investment plan for Europe and the Eurasian connectivi­ty blueprint. The implementa­tion of a new round of opening-up measures announced by China on the occasion of the 40th anniversar­y of reform and opening-up will offer even greater business opportunit­ies for all European countries.

Yet what often happens is that while European leaders underscore their commitment to closer ties with China, the EU has remained intent on taking a tough position on trade and investment. For instance, instead of resolving issues through consultati­ons, the EU took China to the WTO dispute settlement body over technology transfer in early June. The EU even insisted on formulatin­g new regulation­s on market distortion­s that are seen as discrimina­tory toward China.

The potential for China-Europe relations cannot be fully tapped if the two sides fail to deal with the perception issue and close the trust deficit. For China and the EU, mutual openness and inclusiven­ess is the best option. Mutually reinforcin­g progress of 16+1 cooperatio­n and China-EU cooperatio­n serves the interests of all involved. As 16+1 cooperatio­n blossoms in Sofia like a beautiful rose, it will add color and fragrance to Brussels’ ties with Beijing.

Conversely, as 16+1 cooperatio­n becomes stronger, it will only contribute more to balanced developmen­t of Europe and to European integratio­n.

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