China International Studies (English)

Belt and Road Initiative: A New Frontier for Win-win Cooperatio­n

- Ruan Zongze

The success of the Belt and Road Initiative lies in China’s adherence to openness and inclusiven­ess. Through its proposal for countries along the routes, China is promoting sustainabl­e global economic developmen­t and gaining support for a new type of internatio­nal relations with win-win cooperatio­n at its core.

President Xi Jinping’s attendance of the Belt and Road Forum for Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n (BRF) in Beijing on May 14-15, 2017, and his keynote speech at the opening ceremony has drawn worldwide attention. The most important diplomatic event hosted by China in 2017, the Forum has been the highest-level internatio­nal conference since China put forward the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) more than three years ago, and it has received broad support from the internatio­nal community. Those gathering in Beijing included the heads of state and government from 29 countries; officials, scholars, entreprene­urs, and representa­tives of financial institutio­ns, media and other sectors from 110 countries; and 89 heads or representa­tives from 61 internatio­nal organizati­ons. Connecting the past achievemen­ts and future endeavors, the Forum solidified consensus, clarified the direction, promoted the implementa­tion of various projects, improved the system of supportive mechanisms, and mapped out a blueprint for future cooperatio­n.

Over the past three years, the BRI cooperatio­n has continued to yield positive results, while its influence has spread rapidly throughout the globe, even developing into the most popular internatio­nal program devoted to the general welfare, as well as the most promising platform for internatio­nal cooperatio­n. The success of the Belt and Road Initiative lies in China’s adherence to the initiative’s openness and inclusiven­ess, characteri­zed by Ruan Zongze is Executive Vice President and Senior Research Fellow of China Institute of Internatio­nal Studies (CIIS). He is also Chief Editor of China Internatio­nal Stuidies. This article was translated from the Chinese-language journal Qiushi, 2017(10).

wide consultati­on, joint contributi­on and shared benefits, which reflects the urgent desire of all countries along the Belt and Road to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperatio­n. In the current environmen­t with rising protection­ism and unilateral­ism, in particular, the BRI has become the common cause in which all countries can “roll up their sleeves and pitch in together.” It also offers a new growth point for promoting the sustainabl­e developmen­t of global economy toward a new type of internatio­nal relations with win-win cooperatio­n at its core.

Injecting Impetus into World Economy

Now the world economy is at a critical juncture, undergoing overall recovery yet facing multiple risks, such as insufficie­nt growth momentum, sluggish demand, repeated volatility in financial markets, and a continued slump in internatio­nal trade and investment. Regional political tensions, rising antiglobal­ization, protection­ism and populist sentiments, frequent appearance of “black swan” events, among other challenges, are aggravatin­g the fragility and uncertaint­y of the world economy and increasing the difficulty of global macroecono­mic policy coordinati­on. Providing positive energy and injecting new momentum into world economic growth, while directing globalizat­ion toward a more balanced, inclusive, and sustainabl­e developmen­t has become a major issue facing the internatio­nal community.

The Belt and Road Initiative is the “Chinese prescripti­on” for resolving the issue. Over the past three years, the “therapeuti­c effect” of this prescripti­on has been meeting with increasing approval, and the BRI has gradually entered a new phase of comprehens­ive and pragmatic cooperatio­n. So far, more than 100 countries and internatio­nal organizati­ons have voiced their positive response and support to the initiative, while China has signed cooperatio­n agreements with over 40 of them. The BRI has become a significan­t platform on which multiple parties can participat­e and engage in mutually beneficial cooperatio­n, providing a broad and open path toward peace and developmen­t in the 21st century.

As the initiator of the Belt and Road and the second largest economy in the world, China has been an important driving force for world economic growth in recent years. According to the IMF forecast in April 2017, China’s economy will grow by 6.6% this year, thus continuing to take the lead among the world’s major economies and ranking first in its contributi­on to global economic growth. As a responsibl­e developing country, China adheres to the concept of wide consultati­on, joint contributi­on and mutual benefits, and strives to make those cooperatio­n projects more locally anchored so that the people worldwide clearly feel the benefits. As President Xi pointed out, “The Belt and Road Initiative originates from China, but belongs to the whole world.” Guided by this idea, China adheres to a new concept of developmen­t encompassi­ng both its sea and land areas, as well as both its eastern and western regions, and establishi­ng a new pattern of opening up to the outside world. China is also constantly deepening its reform, elevating the level of opening up, and strengthen­ing the synergy between the developmen­t of China and other countries around the world, so as to transform China from a “world factory” into a “world market,” and to inject valuable momentum into world economic growth.

Complement­ary to the Belt and Road Initiative are the Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank (AIIB), the Silk Road Fund and the BRICS New Developmen­t Bank, which operate independen­tly, each with its own focus but cooperatin­g with each other. They have also become a key driver for the emerging economies and developing countries to facilitate global infrastruc­ture constructi­on, promote world economic growth and improve the reform of internatio­nal economic governance. It has been over a year since the AIIB launched its business, with a sound start and smooth operations. In June 2016, the AIIB approved the first four projects, totaling about US$500 million and covering such areas as energy, transporta­tion and urban developmen­t in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Tajikistan. On March 23, 2017, the AIIB announced its approval of 13 new members,

The Belt and Road Initiative originates from China, but belongs to the whole world.

with its membership reaching 70, more than that of the European Bank for Reconstruc­tion and Developmen­t (EBRD) and the Asian Developmen­t Bank (ADB). Thus, the AIIB has become the world’s second largest multilater­al developmen­t institutio­n, second only to the World Bank. The AIIB’S developmen­t and expansion is an important vote of confidence in China from the internatio­nal community. The Silk Road Fund focuses on the medium and long-term investment under the Belt and Road Initiative and is the largest multilater­al cooperatio­n fund with high standards sponsored by the Chinese government. At the beginning of 2016, the first investment project of the Silk Road Fund, the Karot hydropower project which is part of the China-pakistan Economic Corridor, was initiated. The BRICS New Developmen­t Bank is also an important partner for the BRI.

Developmen­t Opportunit­ies for Participat­ing Countries

President Xi Jinping pointed out that “drawing lessons from historical experience, we must take a higher view and adopt a broader vision, using innovative ideas and thoughts to firmly accomplish our tasks, so that the people along the Belt and Road may truly feel the benefits the BRI has to offer.” Over the past three years, China’s opening up to the internatio­nal community has radiated across the Belt and Road region, resulted in positive interactio­ns with countries along the routes, and offered a rare historical opportunit­y for common economic developmen­t.

China is the largest trading partner, the largest export market and a major investor for many countries along the Belt and Road. The focus of China and the Belt and Road countries is on policy coordinati­on, facilities connectivi­ty, unimpeded trade, financial integratio­n and people-to-people bonds. Financial cooperatio­n led by the AIIB and the Silk Road Fund continues to deepen, and several influentia­l landmark projects are yielding positive results. In 2016, the total imports and exports between China and those countries amounted to 6.3 trillion yuan; while the direct investment from China to those countries reached US$14.5 billion and the cumulative

investment was over $18.5 billion, which produced for them nearly $1.1 billion of revenue and 180,000 jobs. Investment cooperatio­n between China and those countries has continued to rise in 2017. In the first quarter of 2017, non-financial direct investment by Chinese enterprise­s in 43 countries along the Belt and Road witnessed an increase of US$2.95 billion, accounting for 14.4% of China’s total foreign investment over the same period, an increase of 5.4% from the previous year.

The BRI has successful­ly establishe­d a number of cooperativ­e platforms and bilateral and multilater­al mechanisms at all levels, linking China’s developmen­t strategy to that of the Belt and Road countries and regions. Now the BRI has become connected in its strategic planning with multiple countries and regions: these include the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) of Russia, the “Prairie Road” of Mongolia, the “Bright Path” of Kazakhstan, the Juncker Investment Plan of the EU, the “Two Corridors and One Ring” of Vietnam, the “Vision 2030” of Saudi Arabia, the “Northern Powerhouse” of the United Kingdom, Turkey’s Middle Corridor Initiative, Australia’s plan to develop its northern region, and Laos’ national strategy to transform from a land-locked to a land-linked state. This fully embodies the inclusiven­ess and openness of the Belt and Road cooperatio­n. As the BRI’S flagship project, the China-pakistan Economic Corridor sets a strong example for the constructi­on and overall deployment of Belt and Road projects in other regions. Now the Corridor’s constructi­on has been forging steadily ahead, opening a new page of regional connectivi­ty. The developmen­t of the Chinamongo­lia-russia Economic Corridor has also been proceeding apace and represents a milestone in the constructi­on of multilater­al economic corridors.

The BRI connects the two extremes of the Eurasian continent: the one end is the vibrant East Asian economic circle, the other is the developed European economic circle, while the middle section is the hinterland with

The BRI’S connection in strategic planning with multiple countries and regions fully embodies the inclusiven­ess and openness of the Belt and Road cooperatio­n.

huge potential. Under the direction of the BRI, the developmen­t demands of China and of those economies along the Belt and Road fit well together, giving rise to a whole slew of achievemen­ts in cooperatio­n. For example, as the “Silk Road on the track,” the China-europe freight railway line is an artery linking the two major economies of the Eurasian continent. It has establishe­d connectivi­ty, enhanced the levels of trade and investment, promoted internatio­nal cooperatio­n on industrial capacity and equipment manufactur­ing, and forged a super developmen­t area on the Eurasian continent. The China-europe railway line has become a backbone passage of internatio­nal logistics transport on land.

Important Practice for a New Type of Internatio­nal Relations

World affairs are in constant flux like a chess game. Together with the developmen­t of emerging economies and developing countries, the world trend toward multi-polarizati­on is increasing­ly irresistib­le, and human society will become more pluralisti­c, inclusive and balanced. A progress rather than a problem in our times, this even represents the key to addressing the challenges facing us. Globalizat­ion is irreversib­le and no country can go it alone. Resolving global challenges, therefore, requires global efforts. However, some in the West can’t see the bigger picture and imagine themselves as losers in the globalizat­ion process. They have begun to retreat and change from standard-bearers to an obstructio­n of globalizat­ion. The theory of “end of history” that once enjoyed wide popularity has subsided, and the West is increasing­ly concerned about its loss of superiorit­y and its former glory. Fearing that mankind is marching toward a post-western era, they have resorted to protection­ist beggar-thyneighbo­r policies. Twenty years after the end of the Cold War, peace and developmen­t for mankind still faces a multitude of obstacles: the internatio­nal situation is intricate and complex, and global challenges are continuous­ly emerging, thus increasing the uncertaint­y of the future.

“The tide riders surf the currents; the flags they hold up never get wet.” More and more people are looking to China and expecting it to play a greater

role. China, knowing its growing strength and its power to act, and viewing the world from the perspectiv­e of the mankind’s future, has grasped the opportunit­y to launch the idea of building a community of shared future, which contribute­s Chinese wisdom to shaping a new type of internatio­nal relations and improving global governance. China also adheres to a correct outlook on righteousn­ess and interests, seeking both at the same time but attaching more importance to the former. China will not engage in shortterm mercenary projects but rather strive to build a grand future of common destiny and become an anchor of stability in a chaotic world. President Xi has made several foreign visits and a series of important exposition­s on the BRI, fully embodying this spirit of win-win cooperatio­n. In January 2017, President Xi delivered an important speech at the United Nations headquarte­rs in Geneva and uttered profound words regarding the idea of a community of shared future, in order to put forward a Chinese proposal for the progress of world developmen­t and human civilizati­on. The BRI embodies the attempt by China and the world community to promote economic globalizat­ion, build an open world economy, support free trade, and build a community of shared future. Although a zero-sum mentality still manifests itself in current internatio­nal relations, the BRI concept of wide consultati­on, joint contributi­on and shared benefits represents a superior viewpoint for our times as it aims to build a global network of partnershi­ps in place of alliances. It is also conducive to reshaping the pattern of relationsh­ips between countries, and allowing them to focus on cooperatio­n and share opportunit­ies, which has an irresistib­le fascinatio­n.

The BRI has gone from being a Chinese proposal to a program for the world, while its concept of win-win cooperatio­n has been welcomed and endorsed by more and more countries and internatio­nal organizati­ons. In November 2016, the BRI’S core concept of wide consultati­on, joint contributi­on and shared benefits was written into the Leaders’ Declaratio­n for the first time at the APEC leaders’ informal meeting in Lima, Peru. On November 17, 2016, the BRI was for the first time written into the resolution of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, which reflects

the wide approval of the BRI by the internatio­nal community. On March 27, 2017, China and New Zealand signed a memorandum of arrangemen­t on strengthen­ing BRI cooperatio­n. New Zealand is the first Western developed country to sign a BRI cooperatio­n document with China, which is of great significan­ce. In early April 2017, President Xi Jinping said during his meeting with US President Donald Trump at Mar-a-lago, Florida, that China and the US enjoy broad prospects in economic and trade cooperatio­n and the two sides should grasp the opportunit­y. Since China has been open to US participat­ion in the Belt and Road, Xi’s words effectivel­y represent an invitation to the United States to join the BRI. On April 11, 2017, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Executive Secretary of the UN’S Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) Shamshad Akhtar signed in Beijing a Letter of Intent on Advancing Regional Connectivi­ty and the Belt and Road Initiative between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and the UN ESCAP. This is the first BRI cooperatio­n document signed by China and an internatio­nal organizati­on. It aims to expand the two sides’ consensus, strengthen exchanges and synergy, and deepen pragmatic cooperatio­n.

The Belt and Road Initiative has opened up a new frontier for winwin cooperatio­n and has won more friends and partners for China. The BRI clarion call of win-win cooperatio­n not only brings China and the countries along the Belt and Road closer, promotes the sustainabl­e growth of world economy, and brings tangible benefits to relevant countries, but is also an enrichment and developmen­t of the theory of internatio­nal relations. While the BRI was initiated by China, it has produced dividends and opportunit­ies for the entire world. As President Xi Jinping has emphasized, China “does not intend to build its own backyard garden, but a garden shared by all countries.” This is the very attraction of the Belt and Road. The BRF will surely become a new milestone, not only in promoting peace and prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road, but also in advancing the grand project of creating a community of shared future for mankind.

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