China International Studies (English)

China’s Diplomacy in Africa: Ideas and Practices

- Zhang Ying

Guided by the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity, good faith and the concept of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests, China’s Africa diplomacy is the best interpreta­tion of fostering a new type of internatio­nal relations and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Working to foster a new type of internatio­nal relations and build a community with a shared future for mankind are the two main objectives of China’s diplomacy in the new era. Despite an absence of prototype in the history of internatio­nal relations which China could follow in realizing these goals, the ideas and practices of China’s diplomacy in Africa can provide significan­t lessons in this regard. Summarizin­g and reviewing these ideas and practices in the new era could be of significan­t reference value for advancing the abovementi­oned two missions.

New Ideas of China’s Africa Diplomacy

During his historic visit to Africa in 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping advocated the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith for China’s cooperatio­n with Africa, and creatively put forward the concept of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests.1 China’s second Africa policy paper issued in 2015 reaffirmed the principle and the concept as the fundamenta­l ideas of China’s diplomacy toward Africa and the guiding tenets of its Africa policy.

As pointed out by President Xi, China remains faithful in treating African friends, values real results in conducting cooperatio­n with Africa, seeks to

cultivate kinship-like qualities in the relationsh­ip in strengthen­ing friendship with Africa, and is sincere in addressing problems in cooperatio­n with Africa.2 The highly concise remarks of President Xi that later gave birth to the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith can be further elaborated as follows. “Sincerity” means that China and Africa are genuine friends, treating each other in a sincere manner. “Real results” means that China is wholeheart­ed in its cooperatio­n with Africa, making sure that African countries achieve tangible benefits from that cooperatio­n. “Affinity” means that China stresses the Sino-african community of interests, responsibi­lity and shared future. Similar destinies and historical experience­s have brought the two sides closer together in their values, strategic interests and developmen­t priorities, which makes the China-africa cooperatio­n particular­ly cordial. “Good faith” means keeping one’s promises and adopting a pragmatic attitude in solving problems that may arise in the process of cooperatio­n.

With regard to the proper understand­ing of justice and interests, President Xi pointed out that justice reflects a value cherished by Chinese Communist Party members and the Chinese socialist state. It is no good if some people in the world live in decent conditions while others suffer. True happiness is the common well-being of everyone. It is thus China’s anticipati­on that the whole world will progress together and that the developing countries will accelerate their developmen­t. As with pursuing “interests,” China must adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes instead of the philosophy of zero-sum game. With an obligation to provide whatever assistance it can to the impoverish­ed countries, China should prioritize justice over interests, even sacrificin­g the latter for the former, and should never seek only for profit or be preoccupie­d with trifles.3 In a further interpreta­tion by Foreign Minister Wang Yi of the concept regarding justice and interests, China should always prioritize

2 “Xi Jinping Delivers a Speech at the Julius Nyerere Internatio­nal Convention Center in Tanzania,” March 25, 2013, 99_664224/3101_664228/t1025803.shtml.

3 Wang Yi, “Upholding the Concept of Justice and Interests and Actively Performing the Role of a Responsibl­e Major Country,” People’s Daily, September 10, 2013 p.7.

justice, which involves an element of morality, when it concerns Africa, treating African countries equally with sincerity, honoring the promises made, and even more, speaking out for the legitimate rights and reasonable appeals of Africa. On the other hand, the pursuit of interests should also lead to mutual benefits. In dealing with African countries, China will never take the old path of colonialis­t plunder, never copy the capitalist mercenary practices, and never selfishly consider its own interests. Instead, China wishes to work together with its African brothers for common developmen­t and prosperity. In this process, China will pay more attention to the sound demands of African countries, and carry on cooperatio­n so that the African nations will reap benefits early on. When necessary, China will prioritize justice over interests and sacrifice benefits for righteousn­ess.4 For Africa, the core idea of the concept regarding justice and interests is to make more closely aligned the prospects and destiny of China and African countries, and through cooperatio­n to assist the African nations in achieving self-reliance and sustainabl­e developmen­t with the ultimate goal of realizing common prosperity of China and Africa.

The principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” inherits the Chinese traditiona­l way of treating others. To properly handle the relationsh­ip between justice and interests and give priority to righteousn­ess and responsibi­lity is an important part of China’s cultural heritage. Dealing with interstate relations with “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests is a reflection of how Chinese leaders apply traditiona­l culture to contempora­ry internatio­nal relations with a high level of cultural confidence.

The principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests are also rooted in the fine tradition of China’s foreign policy. Since the founding of New China, Chinese diplomacy has continuall­y stressed fairness and justice, opposed hegemonism and power

4 “Wang Yi: Upholding Justice While Pursuing Shared Interests Is One Banner of China’s Diplomacy,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, January 11, 2014, shtml.

politics, and advocated adherence to internatio­nal law and the fundamenta­l principles of internatio­nal relations, pursuing the democratiz­ation of internatio­nal relations and respecting global cultural diversity. Insisting on the principle of sovereign equality, China underscore­s that all countries are equal, and should not be treated differentl­y despite their size, strength and wealth. China adheres to win-win cooperatio­n, opposes gaining benefits at other countries’ expense or adopting beggar-thy-neighbor policies. With these longheld diplomatic principles, it should come as no surprise that China now puts forward the principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests. In one sense, it is a generaliza­tion of the practices that Chinese diplomacy has applied to Africa for quite some time.

The principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests stress that China regards noninterfe­rence into other countries’ internal affairs as the prerequisi­te of its relations with Africa. Over the years, one fundamenta­l guideline of China’s diplomacy has been its respect for the independen­t choice of other countries on their own developmen­t paths and social systems, and provision of assistance without any political conditions attached. Although times have changed, the diplomatic tradition of China remains the same as it was at the founding of New China. In its relations with Africa, China consistent­ly upholds the principles of sovereignt­y, equality and non-interferen­ce into other countries’ internal affairs, which have been written not only into the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e but also into the Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries.5 They remain the fundamenta­l principles of China’s diplomacy toward Africa. In its assistance to Africa, President Xi has repeatedly stated that China will continue to provide due assistance for African developmen­t without attaching any political conditions.6 Foreign Minister Wang Yi also stresses

5 From December 14, 1963 to February 10, 1964, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai visited ten African countries of Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, putting forward the Five Principles Guiding China’s Relations with African and Arab Countries and the Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries.

6 “Xi Jinping Delivers a Speech at the Julius Nyerere Internatio­nal Convention Center in Tanzania.”

that China’s cooperatio­n with Africa will continue to follow the principle of non-interferen­ce, will not attach any political conditions to its assistance and will not impose its will on others.7 This is in stark contrast to Western countries’ assistance to Africa, which is usually attached to some political conditions. Kenneth Kaunda, the founding father and first president of Zambia, once highly praised what China did to Africa as friend-to-friend support, and identified China as Africa’s all-weather friend. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti, also indicated that China’s assistance to Africa sought no advantage and was committed to Africa’s developmen­t, showing their sincere and deep friendship.8

The principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests also mean that China will better perform the role of a responsibl­e major power in its diplomacy with Africa. The role of a “responsibl­e major power” has two implicatio­ns. The first is the responsibi­lity to speak out on behalf of the legitimate rights and reasonable demands of Africa, to support the African countries in pursuing their own developmen­t paths, to oppose attempts by Western nations to exploit and oppress Africa, and to strive to build a better developmen­t environmen­t for African countries through the reform of unjust and unreasonab­le aspects in the internatio­nal political and economic order. The second is to provide financial, technical and personnel support within China’s capability for the industrial­ization process of Africa, help African countries build infrastruc­ture such as railways, roads, ports and power plants, address the bottleneck­s restrictin­g African developmen­t, and share China’s successful experience with

The principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests are two core ideas of China’s Africa policy and complement each other. 7 “Wang Yi: China Practices the Correct Concept Regarding Justice and Interests and Helps Sustainabl­e Developmen­t of Africa,” Forum on China-africa Cooperatio­n, January 10, 2017, zflt/chn/zt/1_1_2_1_2_1/t1429265.htm.

8 “Outcomes of the Forum on China-africa Cooperatio­n Receive Internatio­nal Positive Response,” People’s Daily, July 21, 2012, p.4.

African countries.

As two core ideas of China’s Africa policy, the principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and the concept regarding justice and interests complement each other and neither can be disregarde­d. Their purpose is to integrate China’s assistance for African countries in realizing their independen­t sustainabl­e developmen­t with the promotion of China’s own developmen­t. Hence, the two ideas bear distinct characteri­stics of the times. On one hand, they reflect China’s fundamenta­l position toward its diplomacy with developing countries in the new era. On the other hand, they conform to the new trends in market economy and globalizat­ion.

China’s Diplomatic Practices in Africa under New Ideas

Since President Xi Jinping put forward the principle of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” and upholding justice while pursuing shared interests, China’s diplomacy in Africa has actively followed these two guiding ideas. China “is willing to work with African countries to build and develop a China-africa comprehens­ive strategic and cooperativ­e partnershi­p featuring political equality and mutual trust, win-win economic cooperatio­n, mutually enriching cultural exchanges, mutual assistance in security, and solidarity and coordinati­on in internatio­nal affairs.”9

Politicall­y, China has been enhancing bilateral visits and multilater­al cooperatio­n. Both China and Africa stress the unique role of summit diplomacy to ensure positive interactio­n between the two sides from the top. In 2013 after he became President of China, Xi Jinping chose to pay his first state visit to Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo and attended the fifth BRICS summit held in Durban, South Africa. In 2015, President Xi joined other Asian and African leaders, including then President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and then Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab of Egypt at the activities commemorat­ing the 60th anniversar­y of the Bandung 9 “Full Text: China’s Second Africa Policy Paper,” Xinhua, December 4, 2015, http://www.xinhuanet. com/english/2015-12/04/c_134886545.htm.

Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia. In the same year, Xi attended the Johannesbu­rg summit of the Forum on China-africa Cooperatio­n (FOCAC), working together with African leaders to upgrade Sino-african relations to the level of comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p. Also in 2016 alone, Xi Jinping received visits by the heads of state of Egypt, Nigeria, Mozambique, Togo, the Republic of Congo, South Africa, Chad, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

On the multilater­al level, besides attaching great importance to the FOCAC’S role, China also firmly supports the African Union in African integratio­n, continuall­y utilizing multilater­al diplomacy in the developmen­t of Sino-african relations. China establishe­d its permanent mission to the African Union in 2015, which marks the transforma­tion of China’s Africa diplomacy from exclusive bilaterali­sm to stressing both bilateral and multilater­al channels. In April 2016, China and the African Union held the first consultati­on on human rights, discussing each other’s human rights affairs and agreeing to establish a regular consultati­on mechanism. In a speech delivered at the high-level opening event of the United Nations Africa Week in October 2016, then Chinese Permanent Representa­tive to the United Nations Liu Jieyi urged that the internatio­nal community step up awareness of, and investment in, Africa, safeguard African peace and stability, increase the independen­t developmen­t capability of Africa, improve Africa’s developmen­t environmen­t, and support African countries in designing their developmen­t strategies according to their own national conditions and on the basis of the principle of self-determinat­ion. He also called on developed countries to honor their assistance to Africa without attaching any political conditions. During the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference in Marrakech in November 2016, China called on developed countries to implement the climate change roadmap as early as possible and make good on their financial commitment of providing US$100 billion annually to developing countries by 2020. This position of China echoed the theme of the first Africa Action Summit held during the same period, and reflected the concern and appeal of African countries for developed nations to increase

their technical and financial assistance.10

Economical­ly, China has actively supported the developmen­t and constructi­on of African countries. In recent years, China has set up the South-south Cooperatio­n Fund, increased its investment in Africa and relieved the debt of some least developed and landlocked countries in Africa. China has also been providing additional funding to the China-africa Developmen­t Fund and the Special Loan for the Developmen­t of African Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s.11 During President Xi Jinping’s visit to Africa in 2013, China and African countries signed and announced over 20 important inter-government­al agreements covering mechanism building, investment, livelihood and developmen­t assistance. These include the charter establishi­ng the China-south Africa Joint Working Group, the agreement on investment promotion and mutual protection between China and Tanzania, and inter-government­al framework agreements and cooperatio­n documents between China and the Congo Republic as well as between China and Tanzania.12 Barely a year since Xi Jinping was elected President, China had provided loans of more than US$10 billion to African countries, which represente­d about half of the total loan of $20 billion promised by China to Africa from 2013 to 2015. In January 2016, the China-africa Industrial Capacity Cooperatio­n Fund financed by the China Export-import Bank was establishe­d, with an initial capital of $10 billion for medium and longterm developmen­t investment. The distinctiv­e feature of these loans is that China gives priority to investment in infrastruc­ture, agricultur­e and manufactur­ing, which indicates that China is changing its traditiona­l strategy of investing in the energy sector. In fact, China’s input in Africa’s energy sector now only accounts for 20 percent of the total Chinese investment in Africa.13 The increasing financial support to Africa demonstrat­es China’s

10 China Institute of Internatio­nal Studies, Blue Paper on Internatio­nal Situation and China’s Diplomacy

(2017), World Affairs Press, 2017, p.379.

11 “Xi Unveils Ten Cooperatio­n Projects for Africa, Announces Support Worth $60 Billion,” China News

Service, December 5, 2015,

12 “President Xi Jinping’s Fruitful Visit to Africa,” People’s Daily, April 11, 2013, p.3.

13 Yun Sun, “Xi Jinping’s Africa Policy: The First Year,” The Brookings Institutio­n, April 14, 2014,

sincerity in helping Africa achieve common developmen­t. In 2014 alone, Chinese companies signed constructi­on contracts in Africa valued over $70 billion, which would facilitate the building of vital infrastruc­ture, provide job opportunit­ies and improve local productivi­ty.14 According to statistics, China-africa cooperatio­n contribute­s more than 20 percent to the economic growth of Africa. By the end of 2014, a total of 3,000 Chinese enterprise­s had operated in Africa, providing direct investment of over $3 billion. The China Developmen­t Bank has created a special loan of $5 billion available for African small and medium-sized enterprise­s. As 85 percent of the employees in these enterprise­s are local, this means more jobs for local people. In Ethiopia, China has created more than 100,000 jobs.15 The urban light-rail company project financed by China in this country alone employs about 4,800 Ethiopians.16

In terms of trade, the import and export volume between the two sides continues to grow. In 2013 and 2014, the number was respective­ly US$210.25 billion and US$221.67 billion, both crossing the $200 billion threshold. In 2014, the trade volume had registered an around 74.5 percent increase from the 2010 level. In 2016, with the trade volume standing at US$149.2 billion, China became Africa’s No.1 trade partner for eight consecutiv­e years.17

With regard to aid, by the end of 2014, there had been 1,071 Chinaassis­ted projects in Africa, comprising around 47 percent of China’s total foreign aid. Most projects are related to infrastruc­ture, ranging from railways, roads, aviation facilities to bridges, ports and power plants. China had also donated 68 hospitals, dispatched 24,500 medical personnel, trained over 6,000 local medical workers and cured over 270 million persons. China has establishe­d 30 malaria prevention centers and 23 agro-technology

14 Deborah Brautigam, “Five Myths about Chinese Investment in Africa,” Foreign Policy, December 4,

2015, http://foreign

15 “Chinese Enterprise­s Create over 100,000 Jobs for Ethiopia in 20 Years,” Xinhua, December 12, 2017,

16 Deborah Brautigam, “Five Myths about Chinese Investment in Africa.”

17 “China-africa Trade Statistics in 2016,” Ministry of Commerce of China, February 22, 2017, http://­0439.shtml.

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