Chinese Journal of Ship Research

Ship Design and Performanc­e


Numerical analysis of the scale effect of the nominal wake field of KCS et a(l 1) ZHANG Haipeng,ZHANG Donghan,GUO Chunyu, Numerical study of hydrofoil tip vortex fluid field 8 PU Jijun,XIONG Ying( ) Effect of bow spray strips and Ω-type freeboard on high-speed boats 14 WEI Chengzhu , LI Yinghui , YI Hong( ) Wave-making resistance reduction characteri­stics based on spherical bow configurat­ion 21 ZHANG Wenshan , LU Xiaoping(27) Maneuverab­ility prediction for a ship with full-revolving twin propellers ……WU Xingya,GAO Xiaopeng( ) Analysis of correlatio­n between destroyer seakeeping and motion sickness in human factors 32 XIONG Hu , LU Xiaoping ( ) 3D virtual human rapid modeling method based on top-down modeling mechanism Rui,et a(l 38) LI Taotao,FANG Xiongbing,LIN

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