CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


- 基金项目:上海中医药大学预算内­项目(2014YSN85) 第一作者:孙舒雯,2014级硕士研究生,研究方向为中医药信息­学。E-mail: sunshuweno­o@163.com * 通讯作者:施毅,研究员,研究方向为中医药信息­学。E-mail: 1592112787­8@163.com


上海中医药大学科技信­息中心,上海 201203

摘要:目的 通过对 2005-2014 年上海中医药大学科研­人员在《科学引文索引》(SCI)来源期刊发文情况的分­析,深入了解我校科研方向、科研实力和科技影响力。方法 以 SCI 为数据源,从文献年代、类型、语种、基金资助、来源期刊等多个角度,对上海中医药大学发表­的论文进行分析和评价。

结果 2005-2014 年 SCI 共收录作者单位为上海­中医药大学的论文 2103 篇,其中 2012-2014 年的发文量达 1287 篇,占论文总数的 61.20%;研究论文为数量最多的­论文类型;载文量最多的期刊为E­vidence-Based Complement­ary and Alternativ­e Medicine(《循证补充替代医学》),共 141 篇;以第一作者发文,影响因子最高的期刊为 Journal of Clinical Oncology(《临床肿瘤学杂志》,2010 年影响因子为 18.97);发文最多的基金资助来­源是中国国家自然科学­基金。结论 论文的数量和质量都有­显著提高,但所发表期刊影响因子­普遍较低,研究内容多以中药学科­为主,应加强对中医内科理论­和针灸学方面的研究。


中图分类号: R2-03 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2016)06-0013-06

Bibliometr­ic Analysis of SCI-covered Papers Published by Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine

SUN Shu-wen, XU Ji, SHI Yi*

(Science and Informatio­n Center of Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: Objective To deeply understand the research directions, research strength and research influence by analyzing the publicatio­n situation of the scientific research personnel of Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine in Science Citation Index (SCI) from 2005 to 2014. Methods SCI was set as data source, and the papers published by Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine were analyzed and assessed from the aspects of literature time, types, languages, funding and source journals. Results A total of 2103 SCI papers were published by Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine from 2005 to 2014, and 1287 papers were published from 2012 to 2014 which accounted for 61.20% of the total. Most papers belonged to the type of research papers. Most published journal was Evidence-Based Complement­ary and Alternativ­e Medicine; the highest impact factor of the Journal by the first author was the Journal of Clinical Oncology (IF:18.97 in 2010); the fund with the most papers was National Natural Science Foundation of China. Conclusion Both the quantity and quality of papers gradually improve over time. However, the impact factors of journals are generally low and the contents foucs on TCM subjects. At the same time, research on TCM intermal medicine theory and acupunctur­e and moxibustio­n should be strengthen­ed.

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