


PARIS The Place de la Concorde’s grande dame has just reopened its historic, neoclassic­al doors following a multimilli­on euro renovation. The Crillon has long been the hotel du choix of France’s political and aristocrat­ic elite, and has a history going back to the 1770s as a duke’s residence.


位於廣協和 場的Crillon酒­店完成數百萬歐元的整­修工程,現已再度開幕。這間歷史悠久的酒店,採用新古典主義設計,深受法國政要及王公貴­族喜。愛 酒店前為身 某位公爵的府第,歷史可追溯至1770­年代。 JERUSALEM This month is the 20th anniversar­y of the Jerusalem Internatio­nal Chamber Music Festival. Until 9 September, a medley of musicians from around the world (with a decent homegrown showing, too) perform a range of well-loved classics.


本月是耶路撒冷國際室­內樂音樂節20周年。來自世界各地的各類音­樂家,以地出,及本 的傑 樂手 將演奏一系列經典名曲。活動由即日起

至99月 日止。

TORONTO Over 7-17 September, the world’s filmmakers and stars regroup for the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival, which kicks off this year’s awards season. Among the strong line-up is Battle of the Sexes, starring Emma Stone as former tennis ace Billie Jean King.


今年影的電 獎項季隨月9 7至17日登場的多倫­多國際電影節揭開序幕。電影節佳作如雲,括由Emma Stone主演的《Battle of the Sexes》,她在片中飾演前網球天­后

Billie Jean King。 BROOME More than 2,000 kilometres north of Perth is the pearl mining town of Broome, which this month is the location of the annual Shinju Matsuri – ‘Festival of the Pearl’. Expect installati­ons, floating lanterns and a sunset long-table dinner.


這個於位 珀斯以北2,000多公里的小鎮,以採珠業而出名。本月舉行一年一度的珍­珠節Shinju Matsuri,呈獻裝置藝術、放水燈及黃昏長桌晚宴­等活。動 CALCULATE AND OFFSET YOUR EMISSIONS計­算及抵銷您的碳排放量 Our online calculator calculates the carbon emissions from your f light. Using cash or Asia Miles, you may contribute to independen­tly verified emissions reduction projects. To offset your emissions, please visit our website.透過使用網上計算機,乘客可計算出班航 衍生的二氧化碳排放量,並使用現金或「亞洲萬里通」里數資助東南亞碳減排­項目。如想抵銷您的碳排放量,請瀏覽我們的網站。

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