

She is one of the world’s most well-travelled and most photograph­ed women. So how does Victoria Beckham keep up appearance­s? By EMILY CHU Victoria Beckham經常到­世界各地旅遊,又在各大小傳媒上頻頻­亮相,因此往往要以最佳狀態­示人,究竟她有何不二法門?撰文:朱文萱


As the designer’s new makeup range launches worldwide, EMILY CHU catches up with her in Beijing


朱文萱趁Victor­ia Beckham於全球­推出全新彩妝系列之際,往北京與她會面

Iam sitting in a suite at The Opposite House, Beijing, waiting for Victoria Beckham to arrive. She’s in the Chinese capital to launch her second makeup collection with Estée Lauder, and I’m grabbing her before she is due to appear at Beijing’s Hanguang Mall to officially launch the line in China.

For Beckham, the makeup is new. Since starting her eponymous fashion line in 2008, Beckham has won acclaim for her razor-sharp collection­s. Then last year, she turned to makeup (with industry behemoth Estée Lauder), creating a range inspired by her favourite cities around the world: London, Paris, New York and LA. This year, Miami’s been added. The range launched worldwide last month.

The fashion designer (and mum, ex-Spice

Girl and footballer’s wife) drifts into the white, minimalist suite while I’m chatting to Estée Lauder’s global partnershi­ps lead, Sarah Creal, about new collaborat­ions. Beckham is small and speaks softly: her ‘hello everybody’ goes almost unheard. But her presence, trussed in signature VB couture and flawless makeup (naturally) is undeniable. I am in the company of one half of Brand Beckham. She’s flown to Beijing via London, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and she’s jetlagged.

我坐在北京舍一個酒店套房內,等候Victoria Beckham大駕。光臨她不遠千里來到北­京,是為了在中國宣傳她與­雅詩蘭黛合作的第二個­彩妝系列。就在她前往北京漢光百­貨出席正式發佈會之前,我抓緊這個機會訪問她。

對於Victoria­來說,化妝品是一門全新的。事業她在2008年推­出用自己名字命名的服­裝品牌,以俐落的剪裁風格而備­受讚譽。去年Victoria­轉攻彩妝界,並與業界的龍頭雅詩蘭­黛合作,以她最喜歡的市靈城 為感,推出彩妝系:列 括倫敦、巴黎、紐約和洛杉磯;今年更加入了邁阿密。這彩妝系月列上 已在全球推出。

當我與雅詩蘭黛的全球­夥伴計劃主管Sara­h Creal暢談這次新­合作時,同時身兼母、親 前Spice Girl樂隊成員和著­名球員妻子三重身份的­時裝設計師Victo­ria出現了,身形嬌的小 她悄悄地閃身進入設計­簡約的白色酒店套房,以輕柔得幾乎聽不見的­聲音跟所有人打招呼。穿她身 自家品牌的級高 時裝,臉上的化妝理所當然地­完美,儘無瑕 使她 管動作輕巧,卻依然引人注目。半個「碧咸品牌」就這樣坐在我身旁。她剛剛經由倫敦、香港和上海飛到北京,時差反應還未。消退


她說:「我經常外遊,每次上落機,總會有很多狗仔隊跟著­出現。」假如你是Victor­ia Beckham,你

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