

初次見到……香港的天際線CHIN­G- HE HUANG 黃瀞億


TV chef CHING-HE HUANG on the Hong Kong skyline



I WAS 19 and a poor student, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I’d come to Hong Kong to visit my aunt, sleeping on the sofa in her two-bedroom apartment.

We went down to the harbour in Tsim Sha Tsui to watch some fireworks. I’d visited Hong Kong when I was 13, but all I remembered from that trip was the food.

Seeing the energy of the Hong Kong skyline stirred something in me. The ambition of the city made me ambitious myself. It made me want to achieve more, to make something of myself – as Hong Kong was making something of itself.

We did all the touristy things including The Peak and dim sum. We went out to Sai Kung and munched seafood. I’d never had so many treats. One evening, we went to Aqua, a restaurant perched at the top of a Tsim Sha Tsui skyscraper. Looking down at the harbour from there, I remember thinking that this city was magical.

I’ve come back to Hong Kong a dozen times since and now my memories all centre around food and restaurant­s: filming with chef Ken Hom, eating at Michelin-starred Vea in Central with chef Vicky Cheng, drinking at Mr & Mrs Fox in Quarry Bay. I love Lin Heung Tea House in Central, with all the mad chefs and the trolley ladies.

It’s the skyline, Victoria Harbour, the energy, the whole city. Hong Kong made me feel like anything is possible. Every time I come to Hong Kong now, I still feel that buzz – it’s like a borrowed energy.

Ching-he Huang has worked for the Cooking Channel and Food Network. Her new cookbook, Stir Crazy: 100 Deliciousl­y Healthy Stir-Fry Recipes, is out now. chinghehua­ 當年我是個19歲的窮­學生,正在思索自己的前途何­去何從。我來到香港探望姨母,她住在一個兩房單位內;我就在她家借宿,睡在沙發上。




此後,我來過香港十幾次,現在我的記憶都與美食­和餐廳有關:例如與名廚譚榮輝拍攝­節目,在中環的米芝蓮星級餐­廳Vea與大廚鄭永麒­一同品嚐美食,以及在鰂魚涌的Mr & Mrs Fox餐廳小酌。我喜歡中環的蓮香樓,還有茶樓裡的狂廚和推­著點心車的嬸嬸。


黃瀞億曾在烹飪頻道C­ookingChan­nel與Food Network工作。她的烹飪新書《Stir Crazy: 100 Deliciousl­y Healthy Stir-Fry Recipes 》現已出版。chinghehua­

 ??  ?? Energy and enterprise Victoria Harbour and the everchangi­ng Hong Kong skyline積極進­取的活力維多利亞港與­不斷變更的香港天際線
Energy and enterprise Victoria Harbour and the everchangi­ng Hong Kong skyline積極進­取的活力維多利亞港與­不斷變更的香港天際線
 ??  ??

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