


1 Most memorable moment: Staring deep into the universe at Tekapo’s Mount John Observator­y

2 Best podcast: Black Hands, a fascinatin­g account of a murder that’s puzzled New Zealanders for two decades

3 Best roadside relaxation: Getting out on the water. Kayak on Lake Tekapo or punt on Christchur­ch’s River Avon

4 Best roadside café: Hard to beat a Denheath custard square and a hot coffee at Fairlie’s Farm Barn Café. Look out on velvety green hills, pure white snow and choose from plenty of gifts 1 最難忘時刻:在蒂卡波的約翰山天文­台觀看遙遠的宙宇

最佳播客:《Black Hands》它, 回顧2一宗20年來令­紐西蘭人大惑不解的謀­殺,案 內容引人入勝3 最佳路邊休憩:跳入水中遊玩。在蒂卡波湖划獨木舟,或在基督的城 雅芳河遊船河

最佳路邊咖啡店:沒有什可麼 媲美在4 Fairlie的Fa­rm Barn Café咖啡店享用那­裡的Denheath­金磚酥蛋奶 加一杯熱咖啡。你可在此遠眺青蔥的山­丘和潔白的雪,或選琳滿購 瑯 目的禮品

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