Global Times

US continues down path toward state interventi­on

- By He Zili

Despite US President Donald Trump’s capricious personal style, one thing is certain: The trend toward strengthen­ed state interventi­on will not change anytime soon.

Since the early 1970s, neoliberal policies have been promoted by the US around the world. The idea was to dissolve the state-owned economy, weaken state interventi­on, strengthen the private economy and reinforce market mechanisms.

This theory quickly spread in the capitalist world and was imitated by numerous developing countries and even the Soviet Union. However, the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008 dealt a blow to this philosophy.

In the post-crisis era, the whole world has been reevaluati­ng neoliberal­ism, including the US. Now, people are calling for the state to do more work. When former US president Barack Obama came to power in 2009, the financial crisis was in full flow. In response, he implemente­d a series of economic policies to strengthen state interventi­on, such as a $700 billion bailout for banks and re-industrial­ization strategies. These policies proved effective to a certain extent. Then Trump came to power with his “America First” policy, continuing Obama’s state interventi­on policy, and even taking it to a new level. It appears that the strong state interventi­on the Trump administra­tion pushed has been changing the trajectory of US market mechanisms and economic operations. First, the traditiona­l norms of the US market economy are changing. Since Trump took office, he has asked private capital to make investment decisions based on the national interest. Large-scale tax cuts encouraged inbound investment and limited outbound investment. Private businesses’ decisionma­king in the US is increasing­ly checked and regulated by the government. The country’s market economy now relies less on individual­ism and spontaneou­s market coordinati­on.

Second, the US government is constantly expanding its economic functions by seizing the high ground in high-tech innovation, conducting reindustri­alization, exerting strict control over financial capital, implementi­ng large-scale tax cuts, giving protection to hightech industries and increasing government support for infrastruc­ture constructi­on.

Third, the US market economic system has become increasing­ly closed. The US government believes that liberaliza­tion of finance, investment and trade is the institutio­nal reason why private capital and manufactur­ing businesses have moved overseas through investment and outsourcin­g. Giving the private sector too much freedom has also been blamed for the withering of US industry and the country’s huge trade deficit. Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p Agreement, restrictio­ns on foreign investment in the US high-tech industry, pressure on domestic companies to move their operations back to the US, and provocatio­n of trade wars with a large number of countries mean that the US has abandoned its traditiona­l enthusiasm for financial, investment and trade liberaliza­tion and is moving toward protection­ism instead.

Fourth, the US has become the main driver of anti-globalizat­ion. With the decline of US economic strength, its ability to control the internatio­nal order cannot match its ambition. Therefore, abandoning responsibi­lity or even underminin­g internatio­nal rules seem inevitable. This will bring great uncertaint­ies for the recovery and developmen­t of the global economy.

In particular, the US’ purpose in underminin­g internatio­nal rules is to conduct unilateral policies that serve its own interests. This poses a significan­t threat for peace and stability worldwide.

The US’ abandonmen­t of traditiona­l market mechanisms and its strengthen­ing of state interventi­on is not just expediency but a result of the intricate web of domestic conflicts at home and abroad. A profound understand­ing of the transforma­tion of the US market mechanism is necessary in order to see the direction in which the US economy is heading. The author is a research fellow with the Collaborat­ive Innovation Center for China Economy at Nankai University. bizopinion@ globaltime­ cn

 ?? Illustrati­on: Luo Xuan/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Luo Xuan/GT

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